NA deputies: Amending the Pharmacy Law will solve problems and increase the people's access to medicine

27/06/2024 04:25 PM

In the afternoon of June 26th, 2024, under the chairmanship of National Assembly (NA) Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the NA at-hall discussed the Law project for amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Pharmacy Law. Vice Chairwoman of the NA Nguyen Thi Thanh presided the session.

Moderating the content of the meeting, Vice Chairwoman of the NA Nguyen Thi Thanh said that on June 18th, the NA in-group discussed the Law project for amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Pharmacy Law, with 72 opinions, written comments submitted by 5 deputies.

The Vice Chairman of the NA requested that, in addition to the 6 general issues and 8 specific issues mentioned by the Social Committee's verification report, NA deputies should focus on discussing a number of contents as follows: Pharmaceutical industry development; new forms and methods of pharmaceutical business; drug price management; medical oxygen issues; issue a practicing certificate.

NA’s discussion on the Law project for amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Pharmacy Law in the afternoon of June 26th (Photo

Providing opinions at the hall, NA Deputy Le Van Cuong - Thanh Hoa Provincial NA deputies Delegation said that by studying the draft Law on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Pharmacy Law, if the law project is passed, it will solve most of the problems and inadequacies; At the same time, adding many new issues, ensuring increased access to medicine for the people, creating convenience for the people and businesses.

Le Van Cuong said that regarding pharmaceutical development policy, the revised draft law has added many incentives, priorities, and support policies in many areas such as: Scientific research, investment incentives, technology transfer, human resource training, tax policy..., deputies said that, in order for the policy to be implemented in reality, it is necessary to specify what those incentives are; order, documents, procedures... so as to receive State incentives.

Therefore, deouties suggested that it is necessary to specifically stipulate in the draft law the assignment for the Government, or competent ministries and branches, to provide in detail the State's policies on pharmacy.

Regarding the issue of pharmaceutical business in the form of e-commerce (e-com), Le Van Cuong said that pharmaceutical business in the form of e-commerce is extremely necessary. However, the pharmaceutical business is very specific, so stricter regulations are needed.

Quy định mới về tổ chức đại diện người lao động trong Bộ luật Lao động 2019

Illustrative image (internet)

NA Deputy Nguyen Hoang Uyen - Long An Provincial NA Delegation acknowledged that the draft law has absorbed and amended many contents, supplemented points and clauses in the Articles, especially many points and clauses must be revised and applied, excluding the review of legal regulations such as: Investment Law, Law on Medical Examination and Treatment, Law on Bidding, Law on Value Added Tax, Law on Import and Export...

Regarding amending and supplementing a number of points of Article 32 on medicinal materials trading, including trading in drugs and medicinal materials electronically, deputy Nguyen Hoang Uyen agreed with additional contents specified in this draft law. This regulation will be consistent with the current actual situation. However, medicine is a special item, directly related to the life and health of the user. Therefore, the deputies said that there should be more effective management mechanisms in buying and selling drugs.

The deputy requested the Drafting Committee to consider to provide detailed regulations on the list of drugs, business forms, and subjects allowed to buy or sell drugs in the form of e-commerce. At the same time, it is necessary to limit buyers and sellers to create transparency in regulations and avoid arising risks to protect users' safety./.