Social, health insurance books and cards given to disadvantaged people in Yen Bai and Phu Tho provinces: Its meaning and practicality

18/12/2022 09:43 AM

On December 15, the VSS Mission, in collaboration with the social security offices of Yen Bai and Phu Tho province, organized a program to donate social insurance books and health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances living in the two provinces. Vu Quoc Tuan - Standing Deputy Secretary of the VSS Party Committee; along with representatives of a number of units under the VSS, social security offices of Yen Bai and Phu Tho province, local authorities, and sponsors attended the program.

Social insurance books and health insurance cards given to needy people in Tran Yen district, Yen Bai province

Specifically, in Tran Yen district, Yen Bai province, representatives of the VSS and the provincial social security agency presented 28 social insurance books and 60 health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances. These are cases that have been reviewed by the locality and made a list of requests for donation of social insurance books and health insurance cards. The whole Yen Bai province received 168 social insurance books and 460 health insurance cards from the Program.

In Thanh Son district, Phu Tho province, representatives of the VSS and the provincial social security agency presented 12 social insurance books and 100 health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances. This is the representative of people in difficult circumstances out of a total of 150 people received social insurance books, and 400 people received health insurance cards in Phu Tho from the Program.

Social insurance books and health insurance cards given to people in difficult circumstances in Thanh Son district, Phu Tho province

At the awarding ceremony, Vu Quoc Tuan - Standing Deputy Secretary of the VSS Party Committee said, the program to give social insurance books and health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances is an activity to spread the welfare policy of the State; widely mobilize the participation of civil servants, public employees and workers in the entire VSS sector and the social community in giving social insurance books and health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances, including ethnic minorities belonging to the group of subjects who are not paid or supported by the State budget to pay health insurance premiums; people without health insurance cards newly escaped from poverty; people from near-poor households, people with average living standards who have not yet participated in social and health insurance, or people with other difficult and disadvantaged circumstances, etc.

With that in mind, on November 23, 2022, the VSS held a launching ceremony of the program to donate social insurance books and health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances nationwide. And by December 10, 2022, the whole country had mobilized about 10,000 social insurance books and nearly 120,000 health insurance cards. All have been allocated to localities on the basis of reviewing the number of needy people.

And in order to continue to spread the humanitarian values of the program, from December 10 to December 20, 2022, the VSS coordinated with the Party committees, local authorities, and sponsors to directly give away social insurance books and health insurance cards to people in difficult circumstances throughout the country.

“We hope that this is not only financial support, but also a spiritual encouragement, helping people in difficult circumstances reduce the burden of medical treatment costs thanks to the health insurance card when unfortunately ill; have the opportunity to participate in voluntary social insurance to enjoy pension and health care in old age. I hope that people who are given health insurance cards and social insurance books today will make more efforts, overcome the immediate difficulties, step by step stabilize their finances to continue participating in social and health insurance for themselves." - Tuan shared.