Digital transformation of Vietnam's social insurance industry: To change cadres' mindset and perception

29/10/2021 10:10 PM

On October 29, 2021, the Steering Committee on Digital Transformation of the Vietnam's social insurance industry held a meeting to evaluate the performance of its third quarter tasks. General Director of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) Nguyen The Manh - Head of the Steering Committee chaired the meeting.

Attending the meeting were Deputy General Directors of VSS - Deputy Heads of the Steering Committee: Pham Luong Son, Tran Dinh Lieu, Dao Viet Anh, Le Hung Son; Heads of affiliated units - Members of the Steering Committee and members of the Steering Committee's Assistance Group.

General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh - Head of the Steering Committee delivered a speech at the meeting

At the meeting, the representative of the IT Center - the standing unit of the Steering Committee reported on: The implementation of the digital transformation of the Vietnamese social insurance industry; implementation of online public service provision and upgrading and completion of VssID - digital social insurance application; implementation status of Decision No. 455/QD-BHXH dated May 21, 2021 of VSS issuing the implementation plan of Decree No. 43/2021/ND-CP on National Insurance Database; about IT equipment of the whole industry; on the addition of the content of the Regulation on coordination of information exchange between the State Audit and VSS.

Specifically, in the third quarter of 2021, the leaders of VSS and the Steering Committee held several meetings and gave directions on the digital transformation contents of the Industry. In particular, the General Director of VSS established and strengthened the members of the Steering Committee on Digital Transformation of the VSS. Regarding the construction of the Sector's Digital Transformation Project, up to now, the IT Center has received sub-projects from VSS's units to proceed with the next steps.

Regarding online public service provision and upgrading and completing VssID - the digital social insurance application: VSS continues to integrate utilities and public services to serve the implementation of policies to support employees and users hit by Covid-19 according to the Resolutions and Decisions of the National Assembly, the Government and the Prime Minister.

Regarding the implementation of the National Insurance Database: Units throughout the Industry have closely followed the tasks in the Plan issued together with Decision No. 455/QD-BHXH dated May 21, 2021 of the VSS on the implementation of Decree No. 43/2021/ND-CP in accordance with the functions and tasks of each unit.

About IT equipment of the whole industry: The IT Center has conducted an overall review and assessment of infrastructure, software, databases, etc. In the coming time, the IT Center will continue to complete reports on software, database in parallel with building e-government architecture version 2.0.

In addition to the achieved results, at the meeting, the members of the Steering Committee also assessed and discussed the current difficulties and challenges in implementing the digital transformation of the VSS; also, numerous suggestions and recommendations were made to promote this in the future.

Accordingly, it is necessary to urgently complete the operation regulations of the Steering Committee for Digital Transformation of the VSS, in the direction of transparent assignment of people and tasks of each individual, unit and department according to their expertise and profession; to strengthen sharing and coordination both within the sector and with relevant ministries and branches. The project on digital transformation needs to be urgently implemented and completed in order to assess the overall position of the industry that has been achieved, thereby developing roadmaps and goals; This work may require the help of professional, independent organizations at home and abroad with enough vision and knowledge in the IT field. In the construction of the National Insurance Database, it is necessary to quickly assess the progress, achieved results, as well as encountered difficulties and problems, from which to report and propose to the Government options, solutions to enhance coordination among relevant ministries and branches. Regarding the current IT status of the Industry, it is necessary to further evaluate the quality and ability to meet the transformation needs of software and equipment, classification of the order of priority, etc.

Overall image of the meeting

At the conclusion, General Director of VSS Nguyen The Manh, Head of the Steering Committee, highly appreciated the results achieved in the digital transformation of the social insurance industry over the past time. Those results have been highly appreciated by the people, all levels, sectors, the Government and the National Assembly. Especially, in the second session of the 15th National Assembly, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and National Assembly's deputies have made positive evaluations about IT application and digital transformation of the Vietnam's social insurance industry, actively contributing to the good implementation of social and health insurance policies, serving the people better, especially in the current epidemic situation.

The achieved results are a solid foundation for the Vietnamese social insurance industry to firmly continue to make bigger strides in the future in terms of digital transformation, however, according to General Director Nguyen The Manh, the current difficulties and challenges are enormous. Therefore, Manh requested that the heads and leaders of units under the VSS, the social security agencies of provinces and cities must strengthen research and learn about digital transformation, in order to properly understand digital transformation clearly; identify their units' position in the process of digital transformation in general and of the industry in particular. At the same time, leaders of units must strengthen, constantly disseminate the content of digital transformation to each cadre, civil servant and employee to gradually change mindset and perception, from there change in actions and ways of doing; to improve faster and create more convenience for participants and beneficiaries of social and health insurance policies. In this regard, the Information and Communication Center and Social Security Magazine must strengthen communication on digital transformation so that it would be profound, attractive, easy to understand and to remember. Digital transformation is a new, large and complex field, however, the IT Center needs to systemize and clarify this concept with the VSS to unify awareness and support communication.

In addition, the Head of the Steering Committee also asked each unit to review and evaluate the processes and operations to be ready and promote in the direction of digital transformation; strengthen coordination between units to together accelerate the digital transformation process. General Director Nguyen The Manh also assigned the Department of International Cooperation to strengthen exchanges with international organizations, consulted experts to contribute to the Industry in digital transformation, especially the experience of countries with similarities in social security such as Korea, Japan, etc.