Provincial People's Council Delegation of Hoa Binh: Surveying the Implementation of Social Insurance Legal Policies

28/09/2023 10:10 AM

On September 12th, the Provincial People's Council Delegation of Hoa Binh organized a field survey at the Provincial Social Security Office to examine the implementation of social insurance legal policies during the 2020-2023 period. Ms. Dang Bich Ngoc, a member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee and Deputy Head of the Delegation, served as the Head of the delegation.

According to the report, during the 2020-2023 period, despite numerous difficulties and challenges, the affiliated units, along with social insurance employees and workers in Hoa Binh province, made considerable efforts, demonstrated a sense of responsibility, unity, determination, and proactively implemented the set targets and tasks, achieving some positive results.

Furthermore, the provincial social security office consistently and seriously followed the leadership and guidance of the VSS, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial People's Committee, actively coordinating closely with departments and sectors to diligently, responsibly, efficiently, and resolutely implement the assigned targets and tasks. The district-level social security offices worked closely with the local Party committees and authorities to issue numerous guiding documents on enhancing the effective implementation of social insurance policies and laws within their respective areas.

During the 2020-2023 period, the provincial social security office provided advice and issued 27 documents, while collaborating with departments and agencies to issue 22 guiding and instructional documents, organizing training conferences, consultations, dialogues, seminars, and other events related to social insurance policies with the participation of 85,126 individuals from political, social, and organizational sectors.

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The implementation of regulations, policies, and support packages for businesses and employees has been timely and in accordance with the planned schedule. The management and utilization of the Social Insurance Fund have been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law. On average, the provincial social security office resolves approximately 40 thousand cases of people benefiting from social insurance schemes, with a payment amount of around 2 trillion VND per year.

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman of People's Committee of Bac Giang province Phan The Tuan informed the outstanding results of socio-economic development in 2023 and development orientations of Bac Giang province. He said that over the past years, Bac Giang had promoted its potential and advantages to promote comprehensive development in all fields. Average economic growth in the 2020-2022 period reached 13.6%/year, in 2023 it reached 13.45%. The proportion of industry in the economy increased from 47% in 2020 to 58.8% in 2023.

The province currently had 9 industrial zones in operation. The industrial structure was over 60%, the occupancy rate in industrial zones reached 76%. According to planning, by 2030 the province would have 29 industrial parks. The province's policy was to arrange administrative units, increase the urbanization rate, strive for Bac Giang to become a green, sustainable industrial center, attracting high-tech enterprises and workers in the great and friendly environment. The future-oriented province would become a center for semiconductor technology development. He emphasized that during the development process, Bac Giang province had received companionship, support and sharing from other provinces, including Hoa Binh province.

In recent years, the province's activities to attract investment and develop businesses had achieved good results. The number of businesses was constantly increasing, to date there were over 9,500 businesses operating, creating jobs for over 306,000 workers. Workers working in Bac Giang province came from 30 provinces and cities, of which Hoa Binh province had nearly 3,000 workers.

In order for workers in provinces and cities to come to work and have a long-term attachment to Bac Giang, in recent years, authorities and businesses at all levels had focused on mobilizing resources to build housing for workers. There were policies to support preschool education in industrial zones. Enterprises in industrial zones already had dormitories that could accommodate 30,000 workers. In districts with industrial zones, nearly 3,000 motels had been built, with 48,186 rooms that could accommodate over 90,000 workers. The entire province had implemented 15 social housing projects. Once completed, they would basically meet the accommodation needs of workers in industrial zones and clusters in the province.

In the coming time, so that the work of creating jobs and stabilizing life for workers and laborers in Bac Giang province will be carried out effectively; create favorable conditions for workers in provinces and cities who wish to come to Bac Giang to work, ensuring labor resources for businesses. Bac Giang province hopes that Hoa Binh province will strengthen cooperation on labor resources. Recruitment will be accompanied by businesses and provincial authorities. At the same time, we request the Provincial People's Committee, departments, branches and localities of Hoa Binh province to pay attention to coordination and support with departments and branches of Bac Giang province to successfully organize a conference to promote labor attraction; Strengthen propaganda about labor recruitment needs, conditions, remuneration, and number of recruitment needs of businesses in Bac Giang province to people and businesses in Hoa Binh province.

He affirmed that Bac Giang province was committed to directing departments, sectors, localities, and businesses to create favorable conditions for infrastructure, ensure social security, and fully implement regulations and remuneration regimes for workers from provinces, cities and Hoa Binh province coming to work in Bac Giang so that workers could feel secure and have a long-term relationship with Bac Giang.

The provincial social security office has also enhanced administrative procedure reform, promoted digital transformation, and diligently implemented the contents of Project 06 by the Government, ensuring the completion of tasks according to the plan. Efforts have been made to improve the organizational structure of social insurance at all levels, enhance the capacity of civil servants and public employees, actively construct and revise procedures and regulations, and ensure discipline and integrity throughout the provincial social security system.

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During the working session, the delegates clarified the difficulties and obstacles related to the institutional framework, such as the shortcomings of the 2014 Law on Social Insurance and other relevant legal documents concerning social insurance. The coordination with local authorities in the field of social insurance has not been resolute enough, and there have been challenges in propaganda work, development of participants in social insurance, handling of delayed social insurance payments, inspection, examination, and handling of legal violations, as well as the resolution of complaints and denunciations regarding social insurance. At the same time, the causes and proposed solutions to overcome these difficulties in the coming time were presented.

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In concluding remarks at the survey session, Ms. Dang Bich Ngoc acknowledged and highly appreciated the efforts of the Hoa Binh provincial social security office in implementing social insurance policies and laws. The head of the survey delegation also took note of the opinions and recommendations of the delegates during the working session and compiled a report to be submitted to the competent authorities for study, resolution, amendment, and improvement to better align with practical circumstances.

In the coming time, to further enhance the effectiveness of social insurance work, Ms. Dang Bich Ngoc proposed that the provincial social security office continue to strengthen propaganda work and collaborate with the Fatherland Front and political organizations to raise awareness among the people, especially regarding voluntary participation in social insurance. It was identified as an important task of the entire political system to ensure social security and improve the lives of the people, gradually increasing the rates of social and health insurance coverage in the province./.