Vietnam manages labour export data on internet

12/03/2018 10:21 AM

Vietnam will launch a database which allows firms to access, update information, export and use date to manage, analyse, evaluate and direct activities of Vietnam’s labourers abroad who are working under contracts.

(Source: Viet Nam Social Security)

Vietnam will launch a database which allows firms to access, update information, export and use date to manage, analyse, evaluate and direct activities of Vietnam’s labourers abroad who are working under contracts.

The information is cited in Circular 35/2017/TT-BLDTBXH issued by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs. Firms that want a licence to send workers abroad can use the website to register, go to the “Issue new licence” section to update information in the form and download necessary documents.

Authorised agencies will answer whether the documents are valid or not within five working days from the application. If the documents are not valid, the agencies will explain why and ask the firm to adjust or add more files.

Five working days after the announcement saying the license is valid, the firm will submit the original version of the documents to authorised agencies to revise, compare and store.

Results of the application will appear on the database and online portal of the Department of Overseas Labour upon the license issuance. The firm’s account will be erased from the database if the documents do not meet the requirements and are not extended within 30 days from the response of authorised agencies on the database.

The website also helps labour export firms apply for new, change or renew their operating license. The circular came into effect on February 12, 2018.

International Cooperation Department