Important role of health insurance for the children

24/06/2024 02:48 PM

"Children are the future", therefore, it is essential to prioritize the health and well-being of our children to ensure that they grow up to be healthy, productive, and happy individuals. Accessing health services at an early age is important to future health and life outcomes. Yet, little is currently known on the role of health insurance in facilitating access to care for children.

Child health encompasses many aspects, including nutrition, immunization, physical activity, and mental health. Proper nutrition, for example, is vital for children's growth and development, as it provides the essential nutrients needed for healthy bones, brain development, and a strong immune system. Conversely, malnutrition can lead to stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and other health problems that can hinder a child's development. Immunization is another crucial aspect of child health that cannot be overlooked. Vaccines have helped eradicate many deadly diseases such as polio and smallpox and have significantly reduced the prevalence of others such as measles, mumps, and rubella.
Vaccines are safe and effective, and they protect children from serious illnesses that can have life-long effects on their health. Unfortunately, there are still many areas in the world where access to vaccines is limited, leading to unnecessary suffering and death from preventable diseases. Physical activity is also essential for child health, as it helps children develop strong bones, muscles, and cardiovascular systems. Active children are less likely to be overweight or obese, which can lead to many health problems later in life. Moreover, regular physical activity helps children maintain good mental health, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression [2].

Finally, mental health is an often overlooked but critical aspect of child health. Children who experience trauma or abuse are at risk of developing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These issues can have a significant impact on a child's ability to learn, form relationships, and function in society as they grow older. It is essential to recognize and address mental health issues in children promptly. One of the most effective ways to prioritize child health is through education. Parents and caregivers must be educated on the importance of providing their children with proper nutrition, immunization, and physical activity. Governments and NGOs can play a crucial role in providing access to resources and information, such as free or low-cost immunization clinics, nutrition education programs, and safe places for children to play and be active [3].

Another essential aspect of promoting child health is through policies and legislation: health insurance for children .Among health programs, health insurance is a key one to help households improve health and avoid catastrophic health expenditures. Firstly, health care costs are often high for the poor households, and this high cost may lead to a delay in using health care when they are sick. Thus, health insurance can increase health care utilization, and improve health status of people. Secondly, when a person suffers from negative health events such as accidents or chronic diseases, their medical expenses increase substantially. To cover the health care costs, poor households might have to reduce other consumptions and investment, and sell some of their goods. There are evidences that even a short term health event can push some households into long-term poverty. Health insurance helps households reduce the out-of-pocket expenditures including catastrophic health expenditures.
Vietnam has been very successful in poverty reduction in the recent decades. However, child health remains an important problem in Vietnam. 
The government of Vietnam has implemented policies to increase the health insurance coverage for children. Children under 6 years old are provided with free health care services. For children from 6 to 14 years old, there are two main health insurance programs, which are operated by Vietnam Health Insurance Organization (VHI) on non-profit and public basis. The first is student health insurance, which is provided for school children on a voluntary basis. The second program is free health insurance for the poor children, and children in ethnic minorities and other policy households such as households with war merit or invalid members. 

The impact of health insurance has been receiving a great amount of attention from scientists as well as policy makers. There are a large number of empirical studies on the impact of health insurance programs in both high and low income countries. 

Vietnam finds a positive impact of health insurance on hospital visits of children and a reduction in health expenses. Vietnam has been very successful in increasing the coverage of health insurance for the children recently. Health insurance tends to have an increasing impact overtime, and the free health insurance program has a higher impact than student health insurance program.
the important role of health insurance in accessing health care services for children, especially those from for low income households in Vietnam.Accordingly, provision of health insurance can contribute to improve access to health care services for children. Children with more educated parents are more likely not only to have health insurance but also to use it. Thus, improving knowledge and education for parents is important in increasing the coverage of health insurance as well as health care utilization for children.