15/06/2023 01:05 PM

Regarding the 4,240 individual business owners who have been required to participate in social insurance from 2003 to 2016 and have attracted the attention of many voters, on June 6th, at the Q&A session of the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly, Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc stated: In essence and ethics, there is nothing wrong, but according to the legal provisions, a new contract must be signed to participate in social insurance.

10/06/2023 11:05 AM

On the afternoon of June 5th, 2023, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) organized a conference to provide regular information on social, health, and unemployment insurance for Q2/2023. The conference was chaired by the VSS’ Director General, Nguyen The Manh.

30/06/2023 09:25 AM

To prepare for the preliminary examination of the Draft Law on Social Insurance (amended), the National Assembly (NA) Committee for Social Affairs had a meeting with leaders of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs on June 20. The Draft Law on Social Insurance (amended) will be submitted for debate at the 15th NA’s 6th session slated for October and for approval at the 15th NA’s 7th session in May, 2024.

22/06/2023 11:00 AM

On June 13th, a working delegation from Vietnam Social Security (VSS), led by Deputy Director General Tran Dinh Lieu, had a working session with the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) in the capital city of Pretoria to exchange information and management experiences in social insurance and welfare programs in both countries.

21/06/2023 04:26 PM

Viet Nam Social Security was tasked to focus on finding current shortcomings related to social insurance in terms of institutions, revenue and expenditure, to adjust in the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended).

20/06/2023 04:20 PM

The Government always focuses on protecting the rights of labourers in the formal and informal sectors, encouraging and supporting employees to participate in social insurance; and resolutely handles enterprises that owe social insurance.

06/06/2023 01:50 PM

On May 30th, Deputy Director General Le Hung Son held a working session with a group of experts from the International Labor Organization (ILO), led by Mr. André Gama, the ILO's Director of Social Security in Vietnam. The purpose of the meeting was to consult on the amendment and supplementation of the Social Insurance Law. The meeting was attended by leaders of several units under the Vietnam Social Security.

27/02/2023 11:15 PM

Viet Nam Social Security has sent Official Dispatch No 386/BHXH-CSXH to the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, proposing a plan to settle social insurance benefits for employees and work with employers who fail to fully pay social insurance for the social insurance agency.

Amendments Needed for Mandatory Social Insurance Participation of Individual Business Owners

Quarterly Update: Vietnam Social Security Releases Information on Social, Health, and Unemployment Insurance for Q2/2023

Draft Law on Social Insurance (amended): participants’ added rights and benefits proposed

Vietnam and South Africa Share Experience in Managing and Developing Social Insurance

VSS tasked to discover current shortcomings to adjust in the draft law on social insurance

Gov’t always focuses on protecting labourers’ rights, encourages employees to participate in social insurance

Draft amended Law on Social Insurance

VSS proposes MoLISA plan to settle social insurance benefits for employees