Accelerating Digital Transformation to Best Serve People Using Health Insurance Cards

31/05/2023 03:55 PM

According to the results of the implementation of Project 06 on developing the application of population database, e-identification and e-authentication for national digital transformation in the 2022-2025 period with a vision to 2030 by Vietnam Social Security (VSS), as of May 16th, there were 12,427 healthcare facilities nationwide that have implemented health insurance consultations and treatment using chip-mounted citizen identity cards (nearly 97% of the total number of healthcare facilities nationwide that provide health insurance consultations and treatment services).

How digital technologies are transforming the health insurance industry

Up to now, there have been more than 25.7 million successful lookups of health insurance information using citizen identity cards to carry out health insurance procedures.

The VSS’ system has also verified 83,477,695 personal information records in the database managed by the VSS with the national population database. The VSS has also shared and provided 107,157,011 information records about health insurance to the national population database. This is an important premise for standardizing data to serve administrative procedure management, reform, and reducing paperwork.

The VSS stated that with the active coordination of the Ministry of Public Security and the Government Office, the VSS has restructured the business process, completed the integration of the health insurance card renewal service by household with reduced payment on the National Public Service Portal from July 2022. As a result, the VSS’ system has received renewals for 1,301 health insurance cards through this public service.

VSS’ Director General Nguyen The Manh inspects biometric fingerprint authentication in healthcare services at some hospitals

In addition, the VSS has proactively coordinated with relevant ministries and sectors to adjust and upgrade software, share data, and connect with the national public service portal software to meet the requirements of issuing health insurance cards for children.

The implementation of the interconnected public service group "birth registration - permanent residency registration - issuing health insurance cards for children under 6" and "death registration - canceling permanent residency registration - funeral allowance" in two localities including Ha Nam and Hanoi has received and resolved 30,119 applications for issuing health insurance cards for children under 6 and 1,104 applications for resolving funeral allowances through two interconnected public service groups.

The VSS also successfully integrated with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Government Office to provide the public service "Unemployment Allowance Resolution" on the National Public Service Portal since April 12th, 2022. As of May 16th, the VSS has received 131,875 cases from the National Public Service Portal to confirm and reimburse the unemployment insurance payment process, serving to resolve unemployment benefits for workers.


The VSS sector has been making great efforts to accelerate digital transformation to better serve citizens and businesses

Regarding the enhancement of biometric authentication technology applications, the VSS continues to collaborate with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Public Security to research and apply biometric authentication technology on chip-mounted citizen identity cards, electronic identification and authentication for national use, and exploit the national population database to create maximum convenience for participants in social, health, and unemployment insurance, contributing to limiting and preventing abuse in the payment and receipt of social, health, and unemployment insurance benefits.

The VSS has also completed software upgrades and added features to support the Ministry of Health in implementing data interconnection for driver health checkups, birth certificates, and electronic death certificates through VSS’ infrastructure, serving the implementation of online license renewal and issuance services and implementing interconnected public services under Project 06.

How digital transformation is revolutionizing the insurance industry?

As of now, there are 1,273 approved healthcare facilities nationwide that send driver health checkup data, of which 972 facilities have sent data with 294,438 records sent; 851 healthcare facilities send birth certificate data with 60,953 records sent and 250 healthcare facilities send electronic death certificate data with 916 records sent.

Recognizing the implementation of Project 06 as a vital task of the VSS, the Central Committee has issued Resolution No. 362-NQ/BCSD, continuing to lead and direct the entire sector to strengthen the implementation of Project 06. This resolution has identified seven groups of tasks and solutions to achieve specific targets and objectives associated with each phase. By striving to achieve these goals, in 2023, the VSS aims to achieve 100% of participants declaring their personal identification number and citizen identity card information updated and verified in the database managed by the VSS and verified with the national population database; expanding transactions with all eligible banks connected when performing online payment procedures on the National Public Service Portal; and 80% of administrative procedures in the sector being eligible to provide end-to-end online public services that are integrated and provided on the National Public Service Portal./.