Regulations on household health insurance participation be amnended and supplemented

10/04/2023 10:10 AM

Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has just issued Decision No. 490/QD-BHXH, dated March 28, 2023, including amendment and supplementation of regulations on household health insurance participation to meet the requirements of implementing Project 06 and the Prime Minister’s direction on removing the household registration books in administrative procedures settlement.

Specifically, Decision No. 490/QD-BHXH issued by Vietnam Social Security on amending and supplementing the procedures for collection of social insurance contributions (SI) and of health insurance (HI), unemployment insurance (UI), occupational accident and disease insurance (OADI) premiums;  management of social insurance books and health insurance cards, has amended and supplemented regulations on health insurance participation by households in points 5.1, 5.2 clause 5 Article 17 of Decision No. 595/QD-BHXH 2017.

Illustrative image (internet)

Accordingly, from April 1, 2023, household participating in health insurance, means: all of the persons whose names are included in the family register or temporary residence book (formally, all members named in the household registration books), except for the entities:

- Participants whose health insurance premiums are paid by employees and employers;

- Participants whose health insurance premiums are paid by Social Insurance authorities;

- Participants whose health insurance premiums are paid by the State budget;

- Participants whose health insurance premiums are paid partially by the State budget;

- Participants whose health insurance premiums are paid by employers (newly added regulation) include:

+ Relatives of national defense workers and officials serving in the Army.

+ Relatives of police workers serving in the Vietnam People’s Public Security.

+ Relatives of other people working for cipher organization.

Decision No. 490/QD-BHXH takes effect on April 1, 2023.

Illustrative image (internet)

On February 23, 2023, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed Directive No. 05/CT-TTg to continue promoting the implementation of the Project on “Developing the application of population database, e-identification, and e-authentication for national digital transformation in the 2022-2025 period, with a vision to 2030 (Project 06); this directive requested ministries, sectors, and provinces to understand thoroughly and provide specific guidance to agencies and organizations in the process of administrative procedures settlement, without requiring citizens to present or submit household registration books, and without requiring individuals and businesses to provide documents, digitalization of results of administrative procedure settlement has been fulfilled under regulations.

Implementing this directive, in recent times, Vietnam Social Security has continued to promote digital transformation, deployed Project 06, restructured the business process, completed the integration, successfully provided online public services on the National Public Service Portal and Vietnam Social Security Public Service Portal, including the elimination of household registration books in administrative procedures settlement, creating more favorable conditions for participants and beneficiaries to enjoy social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance benefits.