Ba Ria - Vung Tau accelerates implementation of social and health insurance policies

03/04/2023 12:40 PM

On March 30th, the Steering Committee for Implementation of Social and Health Insurance Policies (SCIS) in Vung Tau City held a conference to review the work done in 2022 and plan for 2023.

According to the SCIS report, the implementation of social and health insurance policies in the city has always received attention and guidance from the Provincial Social Insurance office, the City Party Committee, the City People's Council, and the City People's Committee. The close cooperation of departments, agencies, and organizations in the implementation of social and health insurance policies has contributed to ensuring economic, political, and social stability in the city.

Đại diện BHXH TP. Vũng Tàu nêu lên những khó khăn, vướng mắc và các giải pháp đẩy mạnh thực hiện chính sách BHXH, BHYT trên địa bàn.

The representative of Vung Tau City Social Security Office raised the difficulties, obstacles and solutions to promote the implementation of social and health insurance policies in the area. (source: Internet)

Comprehensive and regular propaganda and dissemination of social and health insurance policies and laws have helped workers and employers to better understand their responsibilities in complying with the law on implementing social and health insurance regimes for workers. Public awareness and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of participating in social and health insurance have positively changed.

In 2022, the number of people participating in social insurance was 86,245 (accounting for 49.27% of the labor force, higher than 0.84% of the target set by the provincial government); the number of people participating in unemployment insurance was 84,171 (accounting for 48.09% of the labor force, higher than 3.11% of the target set by the provincial government); the number of people participating in health insurance was 315,941 (health insurance coverage rate reached 86.78% of the population, lower than the target set by the provincial government in 2022 of 92.46% of the population). In 2022, there were 147,399 medical examinations and treatments with a proposed payment amount of 24.7624 billion VND.

Overview of the Conference (source: Internet)

Despite the favorable results achieved, the development of participation in social insurance, unemployment insurance, and health insurance among workers in Vung Tau City still faces many difficulties and is not sustainable. The coverage rate of health insurance for the population falls short by 5.68%. The number of voluntary participants in social insurance is still low and does not correspond to the potential labor force in the age range, accounting for only 1.18% of the total labor force in the area (175,035 workers in the age range).

In addition, slow payment and arrears of social insurance contributions still occur, and many employers have extended debts for health insurance, which affects the rights of workers.

Bà Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương, Phó Chủ tịch UBND TP. Vũng Tàu phát biểu kết luận hội nghị.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Vung Tau City delivered a speech at the conference's conclusion. (source: Internet)

In her concluding remarks at the conference, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Vung Tau City, acknowledged the efforts and determination of the Steering Committee, agencies, units, and localities in implementing social and health insurance policies. She emphasized that VungTau City is a first-class urban area, and therefore, alongside the focus on economic and social development, ensuring social security and implementing social and health insurance policies for the people are also legal requirements and important political tasks.

The Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Vung Tau City proposed that members of the Steering Committee, agencies, units, and localities should enhance their roles and responsibilities and accelerate the implementation of social and health insurance policies. Specifically, they should focus on implementing several key tasks, such as: promoting innovation in content, diversifying and flexible forms of propaganda suitable for each subject group, each locality, and residential area; strengthening the coordination between insurance agencies and other organizations, units, wards, communes, and mass organizations to mobilize charitable contributions and support; and strengthening the cooperation between medical facilities and insurance agencies to enhance propaganda about the rights and quality of medical examination and treatment.

On this occasion, the People's Committee of Vung Tau City awarded commendations to 3 organizations and 6 individuals with outstanding achievements in implementing social and health insurance policies in the city. The units also signed a commitment to compete in 2023./.