Viet Nam ranks 48th in Global Innovation Index 2022

11/09/2022 03:05 PM

Viet Nam ranked 48th among 132 economies in the Global Innovation Index 2022 (GII 2022).

Noticeablly, Viet Nam was placed 2nd among the 36 lower-middle-income group economies, and 10th among the 17 economies in South East Asia, East Asia, and Oceania.

The Southeast Asian nation ranked 59th in innovation compared to 60th in 2021 and 62th in 2020; and 41st in innovation inputs compared to 38th in the two preceeding years.

Especially, Viet Nam performed best in Creative outputs and its weakest performance is in Human capital and research. 

Photo: VGP

Viet Nam took the global lead in high-tech imports. In addition, other strengths of Viet Nam’s indicators are labor productivity growth (ranking third) and high-tech exports (third). 

The 2022 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII) tracks the most recent global innovation trends against the background of an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, slowing productivity growth and other evolving challenges. It reveals the most innovative economies in the world, ranking the innovation performance of around 132 economies while highlighting innovation strengths and weaknesses.

This edition's thematic focus on the future of innovation-driven growth provides a stance on whether stagnation and low productivity growth are here to stay, or whether we are about to enter a new era, where new innovation spurts - the Digital Age and the Deep Science Innovation waves - bring about an economic uplift./.