Vietnam Social Security - Ministry of Education and Training: Data Connectivity and Synchronization bring Great Benefits

25/05/2023 10:25 AM

On the afternoon of May 24th, in Hanoi, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) and the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) had a working session on the data connectivity and synchronization between the two sectors in the implementation of Prime Minister's Project 06.

Illustrative image (VSS)

The working session was attended by Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son, Deputy General Director of VSS Chu Manh Sinh, as well as representatives and leaders of relevant units from both agencies.

During the meeting, the leaders of the Information Technology Department (MOET) and the Information Technology Center (VSS) reported on the collaboration between VSS and MOET in terms of data connectivity and synchronization, particularly in implementing the agreed-upon contents between the two agencies at the meeting on August 11th, 2022.

Khám, chữa bệnh bằng căn cước công dân gắn chíp: Tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho người dân - Báo Bình Dương Online

Based on practical needs and legal regulations, the two sectors have reached a consensus to connect and synchronize their databases, authenticate, and enrich the information managed by each party to better serve the state management functions and meet the operational requirements more effectively.

At the working session, representatives of the leadership from VSS and MOET evaluated the positive collaboration in the past period between the two agencies in implementing health insurance policies for students. Local social security offices and educational institutions have maintained close relationships in terms of communication, mobilization, and highlighting the benefits of health insurance policies for the younger generation. Currently, the nationwide coverage of health insurance for student groups is approximately 97%, and for university students, it is 90.07%.

Viet Nam Social Security News

In order to achieve the goal of 100% students’ health insurance participation, the leaders of the relevant units recognized the importance of sharing data between the two agencies to identify students who have not yet enrolled, thereby implementing coordinated solutions in supervision, communication, and mobilization. However, the issue of how to share and synchronize data to ensure legality, effectiveness, feasibility, security, and information safety is a matter of concern.

Deputy Minister of MOET Hoang Minh Son affirmed that the connectivity and data synchronization between the two agencies is a shared task assigned by the Prime Minister. This not only serves the implementation of health insurance policies for students but also helps monitor and analyze the employment situation of graduates, forecast career trends, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of education and career orientation to meet the requirements of the labor force, serving the socio-economic development.

Illustrative image (VSS)

In agreement with this perspective, Deputy General Director of VSS Chu Manh Sinh emphasized that the connection, sharing, and synchronization of data between VSS and MOET are highly necessary, bringing significant benefits and laying the foundation for achieving 100% health insurance coverage among students, thereby contributing to the construction and enhancement of comprehensive education quality.

Following the exchanges and discussions during the working session, Deputy General Director of VSS Chu Manh Sinh and Deputy Minister of MOET Hoang Minh Son have reached an agreement. Based on practical needs and legal regulations, the two agencies will connect and synchronize the data they are managing. This includes data synchronization regarding learners and their participation in health insurance according to schools, classes, and localities. Additionally, the two agencies will also share and synchronize certain information to evaluate the employment and job prospects of graduates, serving research, forecasting career trends, and human resource development.

Illustrative image (VSS)

The leaders of the two agencies have instructed the relevant units to immediately establish a Task Force to implement several tasks, including: implementing technical solutions to test the connectivity and data synchronization between the two agencies; thereby conducting initial analysis and assessment of data fields and technical platforms; ensuring that by June 20th, 2023, both agencies can achieve seamless connectivity. Furthermore, the Task Force is also urgently research and draft a coordination regulation for task implementation, with a focus on data connectivity and sharing to serve management purposes and assigned tasks./.