Bank loans to help ex-prisoners rebuild lives

09/10/2023 09:25 AM

Starting from October 10, those who have completed their prison sentences will be eligible for preferential loans worth up to 100 million VND (4,100 USD) each from the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP), which is expected to help them begin anew, reintegrate into the community and enrich themselves.

Hanoi (VNA) - Starting from October 10, those who have completed their prison sentences will be eligible for preferential loans worth up to 100 million VND (4,100 USD) each from the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP), which is expected to help them begin anew, reintegrate into the community and enrich themselves.

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The Prime Minister’s decision names two groups eligible for loans, including ex-prisoners and production and trade establishments that employ them.

Specifically, those who have completed their prison sentences are eligible for a maximum loan of 4 million VND each per month for vocational training and a maximum of 100 million VND each for production, trade and job creation. They must comply with legal regulations, do not engage in social evils, and have the need for a loan will be listed and confirmed by the communal police and authorities. Production and trade establishments using at least 10% of the total workforce as ex-prisoners and having need for loans confirmed by the communal authorities could ask for a loan worth 2 billion VND for each project, and no more than 100 million VND per person employed.

The decision also specifies that ex-prisoners as well as production and trade establishments mentioned above must not have any outstanding debts at the VBSP for other credit programmes with the same purpose of using borrowed capital for vocational training and production, trade and job creation according to the law to be eligible for loans. The interest rate for loans is set at that applicable to loans for poor households as specified for each period.

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Tran Van Tai, Director of the VBSP branch in Quang Binh province, said immediately after the Ministry of Public Security and the VBSP coordinated the implementation of the PM’s Decision 22/2023/QD-TTg dated August 17, 2023 on credit for ex-prisoners, the branch directed its transaction offices in districts to urgently work with the public security sector, local authorities, and socio-political organisations tasked with counting those who have the need and meet the conditions for loans, ensuring timely disbursement.

This is a very humane and compassionate policy of the Party and State, considered a door opening to a new life for those who took the wrong path, giving them the opportunity to reintegrate into the community, enrich their families and settle down their lives.

To support the rehabilitation of those returning to society and effectively carry out this decision, he said the branch had instructed the district-level offices to work with local authorities to enhance publicity efforts and publicise lending procedures at communal-level transaction points. The contents of the decision has been disseminated at meetings involving local trade unions, commune-level entities, village chiefs, saving and credit management groups and citizens who come for transactions. This aims to review the remainders with needs and eligibility for timely loans, helping them access capital for production and trade, create jobs, and generate better income during the reintegration period.

Present at the VBSP branch in Le Thuy district quite early, Le Van Binh from Ngu Thuy commune, Le Thuy district, Quang Binh province and Tran Van Dinh from My Thuy commune, Le Thuy district could not hide their joy when arriving there to obtain loans.

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We made a mistake by following the extremists causing trouble in the Formosa incident not long ago. We had to pay for our mistakes. I also didn't expect that the Party, State and local authorities still care about those who went astray. We have been given the opportunity by the VBSP’s Le Thuy district branch and the local Farmers' Union to borrow capital. With this sum, we could buy fishing equipment to go offshore for fishing. We expect to earn from 1-3 million VND for each fishing trip", said Binh.

Sharing the same joy, Hoang Huu Hien from My Thuy commune, Le Thuy district, Quang Binh provice expressed his delight at obtaining a loan from VBSP’s Le Thuy district branch. He is one of the first to be granted a loan of 100 million VND by the lender.

"Having capital, I will raise more wild boars and sows. The pigs here sell very well. As soon as they are available, they are sold out. Without capital, it is hard to do anything. Many people are hesitant to lend to us because they know we have had a criminal record. However, the VBSP is providing us with a low-interest loan. I don't know how to express my gratitude”, Hien said with a touch of emotion.

It could be said that the credit programme for those who have completed their sentences, offered by the VBSP, is like a warm and open embrace to welcome those who made mistakes back into the community. They could borrow to learn a trade, create livelihoods, develop businesses, and the programme encourages firms to accept and support ex-prisoners to re-join the workforce.

In Quang Binh, up to 12 ex-prisoners have been granted loans totalling over 1 billion VND. The bank is currently working with the police, local authorities, and various socio-political organisations to continue reviewing and grasping those in need for credit.

Tai said according to surveys, it is estimated that more than 1,000 people finishing jail terms will return to the province during the 2024-2026 period. The provincial VBSP branch is also developing a funding plan to ensure it could meet their needs in the coming years.

Decision No. 22/2023/QĐ-TTg is the first specific support policy that creates conditions for those who have completed their sentences to access preferential loans for vocational training, production and trade. It aims to help them rebuild their lives while encouraging enterprises, cooperatives and businesses that use labourers who are ex-prisoners. This policy also helps raise the sense of responsibility of socio-political organisations, localities, and various forces to pay attention to and support their reintegration. Therefore, in the coming time, the bank will continue to actively coordinate, review, complete documents and disburse funds in a timely manner, thus offering all possible support to them to access preferential loans./.