Digital transformation of Viet Nam Social Security: Contributing to the improvement of service quality

01/02/2024 05:55 AM

According to Mr. Nguyen The Manh, the Director General of Viet Nam Social Security (VSS), in 2024 VSS digital transformation activities will continue to have breakthroughs, bringing greater benefits to social insurance (SI), health insurance (HI), and unemployment insurance (UI) participants and beneficiaries.

Currently, the VSS IT system is operated in line with the e-Government orientation and towards digital Government. The system is applying cutting-edge technology to the international standard and also integrated, centralized at national level. VSS has connected with more than 13.000 healthcare facilities nationwide to receive data requesting payment of healthcare costs. More than 621.000 businesses conduct e-transaction with VSS through the electronic information portal.

VBPO JSC | Chuyển đổi số - Digital Transformation - là gì?

Illustrative image (VSS)

This year, VSS will prioritize digital transformation comprehensively, with special focus on deploying online public services; continuing to coordinate closely with ministries, departments, local and international experts to develop a comprehensive Project on Digital Transformation for VSS; establishing a digital-VSS system...

Previously, during the implementation of Project 06, VSS became the first agency to successfully connect with the National Population Database since this database was officially put into operation. By December 2023, VSS has verified more than 95 million demographic data in VSS database with the National Population Database, of which about 86.6 million people are participating and receiving SI, HI, UI benefits, accounting for 97% of the total number of VSS members (excluding armed forces and military relatives).

Based on this result, VSS will continue to:

  • Coordinate with the Public Security sector to review, update, and authenticate information on participants and beneficiaries of SI, HI, and UI policies with the National Population Database to ensuring 100% of participants have their information verified.
  • Continue to review, standardize, and digitalize application forms and declarations towards reducing at least 20% of the information that must be declared. This can be done on the basis of re-using digitized data and exploiting the National Population Database.
  • Continue to digitize records and administrative procedures, associate digitalization with the performance of VSS employees in resolving administrative procedures;
  • People and businesses are not required to provide documents, results of resolving administrative procedures that have already been digitized in accordance with regulations;
  • Adjust, upgrade software and equip biometric information authentication solution on chip-embedded national identification card to expand digitalization in receiving documents and returning results of administrative procedures of VSS.
  • Promote the payment of monthly pensions and SI benefits through non-cash payment methods...

In addition, VSS will continue to research and apply new technologies, such as: big data, artificial intelligence and cloud to manage, analyze, and exploit data, helping to improve data-based management efficiency; providing decision-making support for VSS management board at all levels; contributing to the improvement of management efficiency and successful development of modern and professional VSS system that ensuring businesses and individuals satisfaction and bringing benefits for the whole society…