At the 39th ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) Board Meeting, Vietnam Social Security (VSS) was honored to receive the Good Practice

29/11/2022 10:19 AM

Award for the content of Vietnam's policy solutions to support employees and employers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic using the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

On November 24, the meeting with the theme of Social Protection during the recovery from the pandemic continued under the chair of the Lao Social Security Organisation (LSSO) - Vice President of ASSA for the term 2021-2022. The VSS delegation, led by Deputy General Director Dao Viet Anh, attended the meeting as a member.

At the meeting, the organizing committee held the ASSA Good Practice Award Ceremony. Accordingly, the VSS continues to be honored to receive the Good Practice Award for the content of Vietnam's policy solutions to support employees and employers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic using the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

Good Practice Award was presented to the VSS

Facing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the advice of the VSS and relevant ministries and sectors, the Government issued Resolution No. 116/NQ-CP dated September 24, 2021 on supporting employees and employers affected by the Covid-19 epidemic using the unemployment insurance fund and assigned the VSS to be the implementing agency.

Thanks to proper management of the insurance database and effective application of IT in implementing support policies for employees and employers, in a short time, more than 13.3 million employees have been supported by the unemployment insurance fund with the amount of more than 31,800 billion dong; more than 347 thousand employers are entitled to a reduction in contributions to the unemployment insurance fund with a reduction of more than 9,200 billion VND in 12 months. The policy is implemented transparently, and expeditiously, targeting at the right subjects and the right purposes (99% paid through employees' accounts).

The implementation results show the role of support policies and the Unemployment Insurance Fund in supporting employees and employers facing difficulties due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, helping employees to soon stabilize their lives, and businesses to have more resources to restore production and business. At the same time, it shows the role of Vietnam's social insurance industry on the basis of data management platform of unemployment insurance participants and the modern IT system has made a decisive contribution to the success of the policy, helping the policy come into life and be well received and appreciated by employees, employers and society.

The Good Practices Award is a recognition and appreciation of the Association for the solutions of the VSS in the process of implementing policies to support employees and employers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. At 38th ASSA Board Meeting, the VSS was also honored to receive the Good Practice Award under the IT category for smartphone applications, VssID - Digital social insurance.

The 25th Anniversary of ASSA will be held in Malaysia in 2023

Also within the framework of ASSA 39, a ceremony took place to transfer the ASSA Chairmanship for the term 2022-2023 to the LSSO; ASSA Vice-Chairman has been transferred to the Social Security Organisation of Malaysia (SOCSO). The member organizations also agreed to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the ASSA on the occasion of the 40th ASSA Board Meeting. And it was considered possible to establish a subcommittee to organize the ASSA 40th Board Meeting. It will be held in Malaysia, scheduled in the third quarter of 2022.

The ASSA Executive and Secretariat Board, and members made a number of proposals on the topic of ASSA 40, including digital transformation in the field of social security bringing convenience to people as well as organizations; expanding the participants of social and health insurance in the informal sector; stabilizing and developing the social security system in the context of the economic crisis, and the impact of inflation on social protection systems. These topics will be discussed, and exchanged by members in order to choose the final topic for the ASSA 40th Board Meeting in early 2023. The VSS proposes the topic of Digital Transformation - An effective platform to ensure social security benefits for the people.