17/10/2020 10:05 AM

On the afternoon of October 16, at the headquarters of the Office of the National Assembly, under the direction of the Vice Chairman of the Committee on Social Affairs Bui Sy Loi, the Committee discussed policy solutions for effective control over the social insurance fund.

16/10/2020 02:05 PM

In order to further facilitate people and businesses, the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) and the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) signed an agreement on bilateral electronic payment connections and cash flow management.

16/10/2020 09:00 AM

On October 14, the 5th Patriotic Emulation Congress of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) (2020-2025) opened in Hanoi. Attending the meeting were Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh - First Vice President of the Central Council for Emulation and Commendation (CCEC); Minister of Finance and Chairman of VSS Governing Body Dinh Tien Dung; Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thanh - Deputy Minister of Public Security and Member of VSS Management Council; Secretary of the Party Committee for Central Agencies Block Son Minh Thang; together with representatives of a number of ministries, departments, members of the VSS Management Council, etc.

13/10/2020 03:10 PM

On the afternoon of October 12, 2020, General Director Nguyen The Manh had a meeting with related units on the innovation, creativity and improving the efficiency of information technology (IT) application to create a breakthrough in the professional activities of the social security industry.

12/10/2020 08:49 AM

Those who commit administrative violations against medical laws will face penalties of up to VND70 million (US$3,040), higher than the current level of VND50 million ($2,170) once a new decree takes effect in November.

10/10/2020 10:15 AM

It was a request by General Director Nguyen The Manh at the October 2020 online briefing conference organized by Vietnam Social Security (VSS) in the morning of October 9, 2020.

09/10/2020 09:43 AM

Salaries and bonuses, which have been defined in a separate Chapter in the Labor Code 2019, are always of the top concerns of the employees.

08/10/2020 10:17 AM

A temporary list of 596 medical techniques, applied to remote medical consultation, examination and treatment, has recently been issued by the Ministry of Health under Decision 4128/QĐ-BYT dated September 30.

Synchronous solutions to continue to effectively control the social insurance fund

VSS - BIDV: Expanding bilateral electronic payment connections

The 5th Patriotic Emulation Congress of Vietnam Social Security: A remarkable milestone

IT application in social security: Creating a breakthrough in professional activities

Violations against medical laws to face tougher penalties

The social security industry: Speeding up for the excellent completion of targets and tasks in 2020

Modifications to the workers' income to be applied from 2021

MoH issues temporary list of 596 medical techniques, applied to remote medical consultation