Universal health insurance contributes to improving health and repelling COVID-19

26/06/2021 05:37 PM

That is the topic of communication in 2021 in the spirit of Official Letter No. 4735/BYT-BH issued by the Ministry of Health on June 14, 2021 on strengthening communication activities on health insurance on the occasion of Vietnam's Health Insurance Day, July 1, 2021

Joining hands to build and develop for the health of the entire population.

The Ministry of Health assigns Departments of Health and social security agencies of provinces and centrally run cities to coordinate with other departments and agencies to advise the People's Committees of provinces and cities to develop communication and propaganda plans on health insurance in line with the local economic, cultural and social situation and the COVID-19 epidemic situation in order to ensure both good implementation of the health insurance policy and effective disease prevention; develop mechanisms and policies to support and encourage people to participate in health insurance in order to maintain the health insurance participation rate achieved by the province and city and continue to cover the population not covered by health insurance; in which, especially strive for 100% of pupils and students to participate in health insurance, and increase the percentage of households participating in health insurance with all members.

The Department of Health shall coordinate with the social security agencies of the province/city directly under the Central Government to guide and propagate for the health insurance participants to be informed and receive medical treatment at appropriate medical establishments and guide them on appropriate referrals according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health in case the medical establishments or localities are medically isolated due to the COVID-19 epidemic according to the decisions of the competent authorities.


Illustrative image (source: internet)

To assign the Department of Health to direct medical facilities in the area to continue strictly implementing the provisions of the law on health insurance, medical examination and treatment; strengthen the inspection and prevention of abuse, profiteering of health insurance funds; improve the quality of medical treatment, meet the patient's satisfaction, use health insurance funds economically and efficiently. To direct medical establishments to provide treatment, prescriptions, medicine, make appointment for re-examination, and guide health insurance participants coming to receive treatment at the establishments in accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Health in case the establishments or localities are medically isolated under the competent authorities' decisions.

To direct the Department of Health to coordinate with the social security agencies of provinces and centrally-run cities to carry out communication activities on the occasion of the Vietnam's Health Insurance Day - July 1, 2021 with forms suitable to the actual conditions in the locality and the epidemic situation such as: seminars, news articles, reportages on the mass media, etc.; to hang banners about health insurance with the following main communication messages: - Improve the quality of medical examination and treatment covered by health insurance, meet the satisfaction of patients, towards universal health insurance; - Participate in health insurance to take care of yourselves, your families and the community; - Universal health insurance contributes to improving health and repelling the COVID-19 epidemic; - Participation in health insurance is the responsibility and interest of each person, family, organization and community; - Health insurance is a social security policy organized by the State; - Implement household-based health insurance to take care of the health of all family members.