Vietnam Social Security continues to cut administrative procedures, improving efficiency in serving people and businesses

07/05/2021 11:55 AM

According to Decision No 222/QĐ-BHXH on administrative procedures that are replaced or abolished under the jurisdiction of Vietnam Social Security, which has been issued recently, the administrative procedures of Vietnam Social Security are cut from 27 to 25, contributing to significantly reducing the time of submission and receiving results for enterprises and people.


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Reducing administrative documents

The issuance of decision No 222/QĐ-BHXH has a significant meaning in administrative reform of Vietnam Social Security in 2021. Administrative procedures to be dealt with by Vietnam Social Security are now regulated in one document instead of three documents as before, creating favourable conditions for organisations and individuals in searching for administrative procedures relating to social insurance and health insurance.

In order to search for administrative procedures, people and enterprises can get access to the national portal at; the portal of Vietnam Social Security at; the portal of the Social Security branches of provinces and cities; or they will be listed at the information boards at the one-stop section of the social security agencies at province and district level or at the public administrative services centres of localities.

Reviewing and cutting two more administrative procedures

According to Decision No 222/QĐ-BHXH, two more administrative procedures were removed, including the administrative procedure in the field of collecting social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and labour accident and occupational disease insurance as they are already regulated by relevant administrative procedures; and the administrative procedure relating to the implementation of health insurance policy – that is “Medical check-ups and treatment for health insurance holders” as it is not under the jurisdiction of Vietnam Social Security.

At the same time, 24 out of 25 existing administrative procedures are replaced on the basis of continuing adjusting professional processes and simplifying documents’ parts in order to create the best conditions for people and enterprises.

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Goal of satisfying people and enterprises

Decision No 222/QĐ-BHXH was issued on the basis of professional processes that were amended and simplified in line with laws and jurisdiction of the Vietnam Social Security. The issuance of the decision will not only help to continue completing administrative reform of the Vietnam Social Security but also bring practical meanings to people and enterprises.

Firstly, it helps businesses to reduce time to update information relating to requests for settlement of social insurance benefits for employees.

- For administrative procedures in the field of implementing social insurance policies: helping businesses save time to report cases in which employees are eligible to get benefits from policies relating to sickness, maternity and work- related accidents and occupational diseases each month to the social insurance agencies to settle benefits for employees.

Some key points:

+ For documents applying for benefits for employees suffering from work-related accidents or occupation diseases: removing the requirement of copies of labour accident investigation report, scene examination report, report of measurement results of harmful factors in the working environment and social insurance books.

+ For documents proposing settlement of allowances for employees suffering from work-related accidents and occupational diseases: proposal forms will be simplified by providing multiple-choice answers for applicants.

+ For forms proposing settlement of allowances for sick leave, maternity leave or health recovery for employees: removing the requirement for confirmation of form writer and enterprise’ union (only requiring one confirmation signature of the enterprise).

+ Removing the requirement to submit hard copies for social insurance agencies for online transactions for such documents such as declarations of relatives when settling policies for deceased people; or power of attorney when settling allowances for retired teachers who do not get professional seniority allowance in their pensions.

These adjustments will help businesses save time to submit reports of cases in which employees are eligible to get allowances relating to sick leave, maternity leave, work-related accidents and occupational diseases each month to social insurance agencies to settle the allowances for employees.

- Administrative procedures relating to collection of social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance are also simplified to help employers save time in updating information.

Photo: Internet

Secondly, increasing the application of information technology and implementation of online transactions helps to facilitate businesses to pay for social insurance fees.

The Vietnam Social Security issued a decision on May 29, 2017 to create conditions for businesses to pay social insurance premiums online, helping to reduce time for handling administrative procedures for businesses and people.

Vietnam Social Security continues to guide the implementation of online transactions under the Decision 222/QĐ-BHXH on the basis of available information technology infrastructure which has been updated and improved.

Firms only need to use an electronic device with an internet connection to declare “Pay Social Insurance” online. With the use of IT, the implementation of online transactions will help firms have more options to declare and pay for social insurance, reducing waiting time of enterprises.

The Vietnamese social insurance industry has effectively implemented the reform of administrative procedures. The number of administrative procedures of the social insurance sector was reduced to 25 at present from 114 in 2015. This result has contributed to help businesses and people significantly reduce time and costs in

transactions with the social insurance agencies./.