8 groups of employees were proposed get a 15% rise on pensions and social insurance and monthly allowances from January 1, 2022

02/05/2021 10:50 AM

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) is collecting comments for the draft Decree on adjustments of pensions, social insurance and monthly allowances.

Accordingly, from January 1, 2022, an additional 15% increase on pensions, social insurance and monthly allowances will be applied for the following 8 subjects:

1. Cadres, civil servants, workers, officials and employees (including those who have time to participate in voluntary social insurance, or retired people from the Nghe An Farmers' Social Insurance Fund transferred under Decision 41/2009/QD-TTg dated March 16, 2009 on changing from Nghe An Farmers' Social Insurance to voluntary social insurance); Military soldiers, people's police and cipher workers who are enjoying monthly pensions.

2. Cadres of communes, wards and townships defined in Decree 92/2009/ND-CP on titles, quantity, a number of regimes and policies for cadres and civil servants in communes, wards and townships and part-time workers at communal level, Decree 34/2019/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of regulations on cadres and civil servants at commune level and part-time workers at commune and residential levels and villages, Decree 121/2003/ND-CP on regimes and policies for cadres and civil servants in communes, wards and townships and Decree 09/1998/ND-CP amending and supplementing Decree 50/CP on the subsistence regime for officials in communes, wards and townships enjoying monthly pensions and allowances.

3. Persons who are receiving monthly allowance for working loss capacity allowances according to the provisions of law; people who are enjoying monthly allowances under Decision 91/2000/QD-TTg dated August 4, 2000 on benefits for people who have reached the end of their working age at the time of stopping enjoying the monthly allowances for working loss capacity, Decision No. 613/QD-TTg dated May 6, 2010 on the monthly allowances for those who have between full 15 years and less than 20 years of practical work and no longer enjoy working loss capacity allowances; Rubber workers who are enjoying monthly allowances according to Decision 206/CP dated May 30th, 1979 on the policy for newly liberated workers who had heavy and harmful jobs and had to quit their jobs.

4. Cadres of communes, wards and townships who are enjoying monthly allowances under Decision 130/CP dated June 20, 1975 supplementing policies and regimes for communal officials and Decision 111-HDBT dated October 13, 1981 amending and supplementing a number of policies and regimes for commune and ward officials.

Illustrative image

5. Soldiers who are enjoying monthly allowances according to Decision 142/2008/QD-TTg dated October 27, 2008 on implementing the regime for soldiers participating in the resistance war against the US and saving the country with less than 20 working years in military cooperation and was restored or discharged to local, Decision 38/2010/QD-TTg dated May 6, 2010 amending and supplementing Decision 142/2008/QD-TTg.

6. The People's Public Security Forces who are enjoying monthly allowances under Decision 53/2010/QD-TTg dated August 20, 2010 providing regimes applicable to People's Public Security officers and soldiers participating in the resistance war against the US and having less than 20 years working in the People's Public Security Forces, having resigned from the army and returned to the locality.

7. The soldiers, the people's police and the cipher workers enjoy the same salary as the soldiers and the people's police who are enjoying the monthly allowances according to Decision 62/2011/QD-TTg dated November 9, 2011 on regimes and policies for those who participated in the war to protect the Fatherland, on international missions in Cambodia, helping Lao friends, after April 30, 1975, having resigned, quit or discharged from the army.

8. Persons who are receiving monthly labor accident or occupational disease allowances.

In addition, for those who have pensions, working loss capacity allowances and monthly allowances after being adjusted according to the above provisions, lower than VND 2,500,000 per month, the specific adjustment is as follows:

- An increase of 200,000 VND/person/month for those who have a monthly pension or allowance of 2,300,000 VND/person/month or less;

- Increasing to 2,500,000 VND/person/month for those who have a monthly pension or allowance from 2,300,000 VND/person/month to less than 2,500,000 VND/person/month.