Phone numbers of participants in social, health and unemployment insurance must be updated before March 31

16/03/2021 09:45 AM

According to Binh Thuan province’s Social Security Office, up to now only 20% of local people participating in social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance have their mobile phone numbers updated in the dossiers. The agency will complete the work before March 31, 2021.

To reform administrative procedures and better serve insurance participants, from March 2019, IT Center (VSS) has issued many documents for the implementation of a multimedia interaction system connecting people and businesses with the Social Security agency. However, Binh Thuan Social Security Office stated that this task has faced many difficulties and problems for various reasons.

As per the statistics of Binh Thuan Social Security Office, currently over 80% local people participating in social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance have not had their mobile phone numbers updated in their dossiers. This means difficulties for the Social Security industry in providing utilities, such as: delayed information provision on social, health and unemployment insurance such as: SMS reminder for participants to renew maturing voluntary social and health insurance; SMS about medical costs paid by the health insurance fund when medical care is needed; SMS confirming participation time in social and unemployment insurance annually (Form C14-TS); SMS sent to the business representatives notifying payment of social, health and unemployment insurance premium (Form C12- TS), etc.

Photo: Internet

According to Mr. Pham Xuan Toan, Director of Binh Thuan Social Security Office, to ensure the complete update of insurance participants’ phone numbers before 31 March 2021 and then send SMS confirming employee’s participation time in all types of insurance (Form C14-TS), as specified in Decision No. 505/QD-BHXH dated 27 March 2020 by the General Director of Vietnam Social Security, the provincial Social Security agency shall directs the Department of collection management and social security agencies at district level to immediately and closely cooperate with the employers and the collection agents (as per the devolved assignment of management) in reviewing and supplementing data of participants’ phone numbers, before having them updated in the system. The due date is March 25, 2021.

Every day, relevant departments and divisions must continuously coordinate and guide the employers, collection agents and related units to provide mobile phone numbers of insurance participants for the update. All participants of social, health and unemployment insurance should have a mobile phone number to facilitate communication and receive necessary information about their covered insurance services.