More measures to be conducted to increase health insurance beneficiaries

25/07/2019 02:11 PM

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) will conduct more measures to encourage people to buy health insurance.

The information was released by MoLISA at a recent press conference.

MoLISA deputy minister Doãn Mậu Diệp chairs the press conference

By May this year, as many as 14.6 million people across the country had signed up to compulsory social insurance and 347,000 others had joined voluntary social insurance.

The MoLISA will check the situation of salary and social insurance owed by employees.

In the field of social welfare, the MoLISA offered guidance to localities to check and define detailed living standards of people who are eligible for preferential policies due to their service to and sacrifices for the nation during the war time, so that it can provide (Lunar New Year festival).

Social support programmes, projects and policies will be conducted effectively.

Sufficient allowances will be paid to those in need.

The MoLISA will continue to conduct its duties and measures for poverty reduction based on different resolutions. These include Resolution 80/NQ-CP dated May 19, 2011 by the Government about directions for sustainable poverty reduction in the period 2011-20 and Resolution 76/2014/QH13 dated June 24, 2014 by the National Assembly on speeding up work for sustainable poverty reduction by 2020.

It will give instructions to provinces and cities to implement the national target programme on sustainable poverty reduction in 2019, and regular policies for poor and near-poor households. The policies are about medical support, education, accommodation, preferential credit, agricultural and forestry promotion and supportive methods for production.

The MoLISA will also sum up the implementation of the national target programme for sustainable poverty reduction in the period 2016-20, and propose plans for the national target programme for sustainable poverty reduction in the period 2021-25./. 

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