HIV-infected people can officially receive ARV medicine through health insurance from March 8

25/03/2019 11:02 AM

On March 8, 63 provinces and cities nationwide have organized the event "The first patients officially receive ARV medicine from health insurance", in order to propagate to people that the Health insurance's fund paid for ARV medicines in treating HIV / AIDS. Four localities have been chosen by the Ministry of Health: Hanoi, Hai Phong, Nghe An and Ho Chi Minh City to organize this national event.

In Hanoi, the Department of HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control (Ministry of Health) coordinates with Hanoi Department of Health to organize events at Nam Tu Liem district's Health Center. The event was attended by Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, Deputy General Director of Vietnam Social Security Pham Luong Son and a large number of medical staffs and patients who are participating in HIV / AIDS treatment at the facility.

According to Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, ARV medicines have been deployed in Vietnam for more than 10 years thanks to international funding, free of charge for HIV-infected people. Currently more than 115,000 HIV-infected people are receiving ARV treatment. However, this aid source ended in 2018 after Vietnam escaped from the poverty line. ARV treatment is a continuous and lifelong treatment, without having health insurance, people with HIV will have to pay a large amount of money every year. In order for HIV-infected people to have the opportunity to continue their treatment, the Government has issued a health insurance policy that will pay ARV fees for HIV-infected people with health insurance cards. Up until today, 188 health facilities are ready to pay for HIV / AIDS examination and treatment, including ARV medicines which were paid by the health insurance fund. It is expected that by the end of year 2019, 48.000 patients will receive ARV medicines from health insurance.

At Kien An Hospital (Hai Phong City), Hai Phong Department of Health in coordination with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) organized the delivery of ARV medicines from the health insurance fund to treatment patients with HIV AIDS.

Ms. Caryn R. McClelland, US Deputy Ambassador in Vietnam, said that out of 15 countries that are receiving support from the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Vietnam is now the only country to use domestic resources through health insurance to support HIV treatment services for infected people. Therefore, CDC will continue to aid HIV / AIDS patients in Vietnam, by supporting technical measures.

This event is the result of extended-time preparation, focus on every detail such as completing the legal basis to strengthening treatment facilities, expanding the proportion of people with HIV participating in health insurance, focusing on drug procurement to buy ARV medicines. using the health insurance fund as well as completing documents guiding the management, use and settlement of ARV by the health insurance fund.


Vietnam Social Security