Multiple online data connections enable citizens to smoothly enjoy health benefits
16/01/2025 02:28 PM
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh has signed Decision No 69/QD-TTg dated January 10, 2025 on the online connection of medical examination and treatment data, population data, and civil status data to resolve sickness, maternity, and health recovery benefits.
The Decision provides details on the data connection and sharing between ministries, sectors and Vietnam Social Security (VSS) to carry out online administrative procedures in resolving sickness, maternity, and health recovery benefits in accordance with the provisions of law.
Connecting medical examination, treatment, and household registration data to resolve sickness and maternity benefits. Illustration Photo from internet.
Data sharing and sharing methods
According to the regulations, the data to be shared includes:
1- Information and data in the medical sector: Hospital discharge papers; certificate of leave from work to receive social insurance; birth certificate; hospital transfer papers; summary of medical records; death certificate; medical examination report, and certificate of maternity leave.
2- Information and data in the judicial field: Birth certificate; birth certificate extract; death certificate; death certificate extract.
3- Information and data on population: Verification on citizen information and family relationships of citizens.
The online data connection and sharing between the Vietnam Social Security and other agencies follows Article 23 of Decree No 47/2020/ND-CP dated April 9, 2020 of the Government on the management, connection and sharing of digital data of State agencies.
Data sharing principles
The Decision clearly states that data sharing and connection must comply with Article 5 and Article 6 of Decree No 47/2020/NĐ-CP dated April 9, 2020 of the Government on the management, connection and sharing of digital data of State agencies, Article 3 of Decree No 13/2023/ND-CP dated April 17, 2023 of the Government on the protection of personal data.
The sharing and connection must ensure the following requirements:
- Comply with regulations on information security, intellectual property rights related to data, privacy rights of organisations and individuals.
- Ensure that shared data can be sent, received, stored, and processed by digital devices; shared data is digitally signed following regulations.
- Comply with the Vietnamese e-Government Architecture Framework.
Illustrative image (internet)
Seamless connection
The Ministry of Health is responsible for instructing medical examination and treatment facilities, the medical assessment council to connect and share healthcare data on the portal of the Vietnam Social Security health insurance assessment information system.
The Ministry of Justice is in charge of data connecting and sharing in the judicial field.
The Ministry of Public Security has been assigned to authenticate citizen information and family relationships of citizens.
Medical examination and treatment facilities and the medical assessment council will create electronic documents on medical examination and treatment and are legally responsible for the legality and accuracy of the documents.
As soon as the patient is released from the hospital, those facilities will upload the electronic records of the medical examination and treatment to the Vietnam Social Security health insurance assessment information system portal. Additionally, they will be in charge of data preservation and guaranteeing the accuracy of all electronic records related to health and social insurance. Additionally, they have to guarantee the security and safety of electronic data systems.
To provide smooth online data connections across ministries and sectors, the Vietnam Social Security is in charge of upgrading and completing the sector's electronic information system.
At the same time, the Vietnam Social Security must issue documents and procedures to instruct organisations and individuals to perform online public services to resolve sickness, maternity, recuperation and health recovery benefits on the national public service portal and the Vietnam Social Security public service portal.
The Vietnam Social Security has been assigned to connect to provide this online public service on the national public service portal and the Vietnam Social Security public service portal.
The Government Office has been requested to coordinate with the Vietnam Social Security and relevant agencies to connect, integrate and provide the public service "Resolving sickness, maternity, recuperation and health recovery benefits" on the national public service portal.
The online data connection between agencies is expected to facilitate citizens and relevant sectors in resolving regimes related to illness, maternity, and health recovery benefits, while improving the management and service efficiency of State agencies./.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security