Conducting professional training workshop on inspection and examination of VSS industry in 2024

27/04/2024 02:40 PM

On April 25-26, in Hanoi, Vietnam Social Insurance (VSS) organized a training conference on inspection and examination in 2024. General Director Nguyen The Manh attended and gave a speech directing the conference.

Attending the conference were: Deputy General Director Le Hung Son; representatives of leaders and officials of some units under VSS; Directors, Deputy Directors and leaders and officials of relevant departments of social insurance offices of provinces and centrally-run cities.

General Director Nguyen The Manh spoke at the Workshop

In his opening remarks, General Director Nguyen The Manh said that on July 1st, 2023, the Law on Inspection No. 11/2022/QH15 takes effect; In particular, on January 11st, 2024, the Government promulgates Decree No. 03/2024/ND-CP regulations on the agency which shall perform specialized inspection functions and the operations of agencies which shall be assigned to perform specialized inspection functions. Accordingly, as of 01/03/2024, VSS shall be allowed to establish an inspection agency, with its role to enhance the position of the sector. The inspection unit shall be organized as a inspection model of ministries, located in the common house "Vietnam Inspectorate".

In addition to the new position, General Director Nguyen The Manh said that the Law and Decree both have many new regulations on inspection. Therefore, VSS organizes a training workshop to grasp thoroughly, orient and guide these contents; contribute to innovate and improve the efficiency of specialized inspection activities on social, unemployment and health insurance contributions and examining the implementation of policies, settlement and enjoyment of social, unemployment and health insurance regimes for units inside and outside the industry.

Evaluating the topics of the conference is very important, General Director Nguyen The Manh requested that delegates must focus on absorbing and practicing to apply knowledges to professional expertise and operations at localities and units; At the same time, the speakers were asked to present focused topics, focusing on new issues on policies and regimes; assessing and analyzing risks, especially in health insurance fund management, finance and accounting ... for discussing and proposing management solutions according to the functions and tasks of the Industry.

At the Workshop, the speakers had presented topics, namely: (1) Some contents of the 2022 Inspection Law and implementation guiding documents; (2) Exchanging and guiding examination of performance of health insurance examination and treatment contracts; (3) Exchange and guide professional examination of the receipt and settlement of one-time social insurance dossiers  (4) Some skills in making administrative violation records for administrative violations of social, health and unemployment insurance via examination.


The speakers presented topics at the Workshop

At the workshop, the delegates will discuss and provide opinions on 2 drafts including: Draft regulations on inspection management and specialized inspection process of VSS Industry; Draft regulations on governing the inspection and examination process of the VSS Industry.