The National Assembly discussed the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended) on May 27th

29/05/2024 10:15 AM

Entering the second working week of the 7th session, on May 27th, the National Assembly (NA) will spend the a whole day to discuss about a number of contents with different opinions of the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended).

In the morning, Chairman of the National Assembly's Social Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh will present the Report on explaining, absorbing and revising the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended),

Afterwards, the delegates will discuss about this content at the hall. The submitting agency and the verifying agency will coordinate to explain and clarify a number of issues raised by the National Assembly delegates.

At the 6th Session (in October 2023), the National Assembly discussed the Social Insurance Law project (amended). Immediately after the session, the National Assembly Standing Committee directed the Standing Social Committee to preside over and coordinate with the drafting agency and a number of relevant agencies and organizations to synthesize and study the opinions of National Assembly deputies to receive, explain, and complete the draft Law on Social Insurance (amended). The draft Social Insurance Law (amended), after being received and revised, includes 10 Chapters, 142 Articles (increased by 6 articles).

Những điểm mới trong luật bảo hiểm xã hội số 58/2014/QH13

Illustrative image 

Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Social Committee Lam Van Doan said that the Social Insurance Law Project is a difficult and complex bill, having impact on a large number of labourers and retirees. This law project is attracting the attention of public opinion nation-wide. Therefore, the Social Committee and the National Assembly Standing Committee have invited opinions from affected subjects, especially on one-time withdrawal of social insurance.

The draft Law on Social Insurance (amended) is designing two methods to submit to the National Assembly to decide on one-time withdrawal of social insurance. Accordingly, Option 1: Employees have time to pay social insurance before the Law takes effect, after 12 months, if they are not eligible to participate in compulsory social insurance, not participate in voluntary social insurance and have time to pay social insurance for less than 20 years. The labourers who start to go to work and join the system after July 1st, 2025 shall not be allowed to withdraw social insurance one time, excluding several case under regulations.

Option 2: After 12 months, the labourers are not subjects who  participate in compulsory social insurance, not participate in voluntary social insurance and having paid social insurance for less than 20 years, if the labourers requests, they shall be partially paid but not more than 50% of the amounts of the total time they had contributed to the retirement and death fund. The remaining social insurance payment period shall be reserved so that the labourers can continue to participate and enjoy social insurance regimes.

Vietnam Social Insurance Electronic Information Portal will continue to update the next information...