Development Objectives for Social and Health Insurance until 2030

10/12/2023 08:55 AM

On November 24, 2023, the Central Executive Committee of the 8th term, XIII session, issued Resolution No. 42-NQ/TW on the continued renovation and enhancement of the quality of social policies to meet the demands of nation-building and safeguarding in the new phase. The resolution set various objectives, including the development of social and health insurance until 2030.

In a general scope, the goal is to construct a sustainable, progressive, and fair social policy system that continually enhances the material and spiritual lives of the people, contributing to the nation's construction and defense. It aims to perfect a diverse, multi-layered, comprehensive, modern, encompassing, and sustainable social welfare policy, creating opportunities for the people, especially the poor, those facing difficulties, and those residing in economically and socially challenging regions, to access fundamental social services, particularly in healthcare, education, housing, and information. Additionally, the aim is to develop a flexible and efficient labor market integrated into sustainable employment, enhancing the quality of social development management while ensuring human and citizenship rights.

Illustrative image

Targets for social and health insurance until 2030 nationwide include:

  • 60% of the labor force within working age participating in social insurance and 45% of the labor force within working age participating in unemployment insurance.
  • 60% of retirees receive monthly pensions, social insurance, and retirement allowances.
  • Over 95% of the population participate in health insurance.
  • Over 95% of people use initial healthcare services at insured healthcare facilities.

Regarding solutions:

- Emphasize the development of a flexible, diverse, multi-layered, modern, internationally integrated social insurance system covering the entire workforce; continue to reform and expand the social insurance system, creating opportunities for participation and ensuring legitimate rights for workers.

- Implement mandatory social insurance for employees and members of collective economic organizations working under contracts receiving salaries or wages as regulated by law.

- Innovate voluntary social insurance policies, providing state budget support for farmers, the poor, low-income individuals, and unofficially employed laborers in participating areas.

- Continue to expand and improve the quality of universal health insurance; diversify healthcare insurance packages to contribute to people's health care, reducing direct healthcare service expenses.

- Enhance the effectiveness of implementing social insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance policies; issue satisfaction assessment indices for participants; safely and effectively manage the Social Insurance Fund and Health Insurance Fund.

- Amend social insurance policies to align with actual situations, linked to social welfare. Unemployment insurance policies should support businesses in enhancing skill levels for employees to sustain stable employment; proactively prevent and minimize unemployment; improve the effectiveness of counseling, job referrals, and training for unemployed workers in transitioning careers./.