Viet Nam Social Security (VSS) and The University of Waikato organized the “Cyber Security Training Programme”.

28/11/2022 02:00 AM

In the morning of 28th November 2022, VSS collaborated with the University of Waikato (New Zealand) to organize the “Cyber Security Training Programme” (from 28th November to 02nd December 2022). VSS Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh participated and had the welcome speech.

To attend the Training programme, there were 40 employees from the VSS rescue team at the VSS headquarter and at the hubs of 24 provinces and municipalities. At the hubs of the University of Waikato (New Zealand), there was Associate Professor Stuart Dillon and lecturers, technology experts from the University of Waikato.

VSS Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh had an opening remark.

The training programme is organized to contribute to support, improve the capacity of IT employees of VSS. Thereby, VSS employees could increase their understanding of network security and ability to protect network, program system and data from unwanted attacks or access.

In the opening remark, VSS Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh emphasized that along with the implementation of IT application, building and managing the national database, deploying online services, information protection and information systems to avoid unauthorized access, use, disclosure, interruption, modification or destruction to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information were  particularly important issues.

Accordingly, information security activities were implemented to ensure that online information did not cause harm to security, data safety, state secrets, and legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals. “In the era of strong IT development, information becomes the vital asset of any organization. Building a system with security personnel to detect, analyze and eliminate attacks from outside as well as from within the organization - becomes the most important issue of top concern.” – VSS Deputy Director General emphasized.

Associate Professor Stuart Dillon had a keynote speech at the Training programme

Thanking and appreciating the enthusiastic support of the University of Waikato, VSS Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh said that the experience gained at the refresher course will help IT employees of  VSS improve their capacity, strengthening the ability to ensure network information security for the industry's IT system, making the operation and management of the system efficient, safe and modern.

“In addition to interactive activities and class discussions, the trainees are required to prepare a short report on the harvest, which summarizes the learned situations and draws lessons for VSS” – VSS Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh requested.

On behaft of the University of Waikato, Associate Professor Stuart Dillon emphasized tha the Training programme would provide practical information on cyber security for VSS IT employees through real-life situations in New Zealand, so that they could improve their understanding of threats that related to network information security and improved their own experience.

As planned, during the 3 days of the Training programme, VSS employees would be introduced to 3 topics by experts from the University of Waikato on cyber security, including: Malware, Ransomware, and Ransomware. spoofing attack. Topics would focus on analyzing New Zealand's cyber security situations, thereby helping participants understand the nature, react to the impact of attacks and provide a platform for participants to relate and apply what they have learned to the actual working environment at Vietnam Social Security.