Lao newspaper hails Vietnam’s cause of socialism building

30/01/2021 03:05 PM

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s 13th National Congress marks 35 years of significant achievements in the country’s Doi Moi (Renewal) process, proving that its cause of socialism building suits the actual situation in Vietnam and the development trends of the era, Lao newspaper Pasaxon said on January 29.

An official organ of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, the paper made the statement in an article about Vietnam’s strategic vision.

It highlighted that the congress will build an important foundation in the country’s long-term and sustainable development strategy.

Saying the key event takes place as Vietnam has undergone a “historic” period of many challenges and difficulties, it noted that without a strong Party and people-focused administration, the country could not have recorded such remarkable progress over past years.

According to the article, Vietnam maintained a stable growth rate in 2016-2019. In 2020, despite being plagued by natural disasters and disease, the economy still shone amid a global economic downturn. It also praised the country’s attainments in increasing people’s living standards, reducing poverty, ensuring socio-political stability, security and defence, and expanding external relations, among others.

It said the most notable feature of the period was Vietnam’s fierce fight for a transparent and strong Party with the people’s trust.

The 13th congress not only defines strategic orientations for the next five years but also clarifies the vision for the upcoming 25 years with specific goals, the article said.

The congress also proves that the Party’s leadership is a key factor determining the success of Vietnam’s revolutionary cause throughout historical periods, it said.

Vietnam has never before possessed the fortune, position, and prestige it has today, the article concluded, quoting General Secretary of the CPV and State President Nguyen Phu Trong’s address at the opening ceremony of the congress./.