MPS to achieve positive results in implementing Project 06

24/10/2023 10:35 AM

The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) held a online conference, on July 26, to review the implementation of the government-launched project on enhancing the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication to serve the national digital transformation in the period of 2022-2025 with a vision toward 2030 (Project 06) in the first 6 months of 2023.

Public Security Forces achieve positive results in implementing Project 06 -0

Overview of the event

Minister of Public Security General To Lam, Head of the Steering Committee on Plan 56/KH-BCA-C06 issued on February 11, 2022 by the Ministry of Public Security (Plan 56) on the implementation of Project 06 in the People's Public Security Forces, chaired the conference connected to headquarders of the provincial-level police departments and under-ministerial agencies and units.

The report at the conference clearly stated that, in the first 6 months of the year, 53 out of the 99 objectives of Plan 56 have so far been reached, and 9 out of the 24 tasks assigned by the Minister of Public Security at the conference reviewing one-year implementation of Project 06 have been completed, thanks to the strong determination and timely instructions of leaders of the Ministry of Public Security and the good effort of nationwide public security agencies and units.

Public Security Forces achieve positive results in implementing Project 06 -0

Minister To Lam speaks at the event

In general, the People's Public Security Forces have effectively implemented Project 06 and achieved practical good results, contributing positively  to the goal of building a civilized administration, socio-economic development and crime prevention and control.

At the discussion session, under the chair of Deputy Minister Nguyen Duy Ngoc, delegates frankly pointed out weaknesses of agencies and units in implementing the project and proposed solutions to the isues.

Concluding the conference, Minister To Lam praised all public security agencies and units for their effort to implement Project 06 over the past time.

Thủ tướng chỉ thị tiếp tục đẩy mạnh triển khai Đề án 06

Illustrative image (internet)

Minister To Lam suggested that nationwide public security agencies and units continue to focus on solving "core" issues and removing bottlenecks to effectively implement Project 06, and underlined that the Public Security Forces should take the permanent and pioneering role in executing the project.