The Vietnam Social Security organizes the inter-agency conference in May

15/05/2024 09:55 AM

Attending the conference were VSS’ Deputy Chairman of the Board of Commisioners Nguyen Van Cuong; VSS’ Deputy General Directors: Tran Dinh Lieu, Dao Viet Anh, Le Hung Son, and leaders of units under the VSS.

According to the report on the results of guiding, directing, organizing, and implementing tasks throughout the industry for the first four months of 2024, the entire industry continued to proactively and positively coordinate with relevant ministries and sectors in participating in drafting and amending draft laws and important documents related to the implementation of social and health insurance policies. Financial accounting, personnel organization, digital transformation, administrative procedure resolution, policy communication, and legal matters have been continuously strengthened and diversified in both content and form. Alongside these efforts are positive results in inspection and examination, administrative procedure reform, ICT application, and digital transformation in industry activities also gained fruitful results also gained.

The VSS has also issued many directive and guiding documents on professional activities, while continuing to proactively and positively coordinate with relevant ministries and sectors in participating in drafting and amending important laws and documents related to the implementation of social and health insurance policies, such as: Law on Social Insurance (amended); Law on Health Insurance (amended); Law on Employment (amended); actively coordinating with Departments under the Central to address the arosen issues in health insurance payment; ensuring the rights and benefits of health insurance participants.

General Director of the VSS, Nguyen The Manh, speaks directives at the conference

Regarding the key indicators, the report states that by May 4th, 2024, there were over 17.407 million social insurance participants nationwide, increasing by 1.73% compared to the same period in 2023. Among them, the number of mandatory social insurance participants was 15.594 million, increased by 1.56%; the number of voluntary social insurance participants was 1.453 million, increased by 3.71% compared to the same period in 2023. Regarding health insurance participation, there were 14.249 million participants nationwide, increased by 1.74% compared to the same period in 2023. The number of health insurance participants was 90.240 million, increased by 0.02% compared to the same period in 2023. Cumulatively, until the end of April 2024, the total social, health and unemployment insurance revenue of the entire industry was 155.406 trillion VND, increased by 10.04% compared to the same period in 2023.

In the context of the general economic difficulties, the VSS has directed social insurance offices in provinces and cities to vigorously implement synchronized measures to expand participants, urge the collection, and reduce late payment of social and health insurance premiums. One of the areas of particular concern for local social security offices is to continue advising the Party committees and local authorities to include social and health insurance coverage targets as set at the Resolutions of the People's Councils at all levels; at the same time, assign targets for expanding participants at district and commune levels. Proactively advising on plans, leadership solutions, directing implementation to fulfill the assigned targets for social and health insurance coverage.

At the conference, leaders of specialized units have reported on the implementation of some professional fields in the first four months of the year; forecasted the situation and plans, solutions for the coming months of the year, thereby the leaders of the industry have provided opinions, directives, and measures to implement tasks in the coming time.

According to the Director of Contribution Collection – Insurance Book, Health Insurance Card Department, Duong Van Hao, revenue collection and in social, health and unemployment insurance participants expansion across the industry have shown many positive signs. Data shows that 50 provinces have an increase of number of mandatory social insurance participants, 28 provinces have an increase of number of voluntary social insurance participants, and 48 provinces have an increase of number of health insurance participants. The revenue collection is being implemented on schedule; the number of late payments from 1-3 months has decreased compared to the same period last year, and the process of collection and urging the reduction of late payments is gradually being implemented more seriously and effectively. However, there are still many challenges to achieve the targets set for 2024.

Deputy Chairman in charge of VSS’ Board of Commissioners, Nguyen Van Cuong, speaks at the conference

Regarding voluntary social insurance, the Steering Committee for implementing social and health insurance policies at the local level has been fully restructured. However, it is necessary to further enhance the role of village/commune leaders to continue leveraging the 3-party coordination mechanism, including the social insurance office, collection service organizations, and local authorities. Local social insurance offices must ensure a coordinating role, develop the collection service organization system, both ensuring no gaps in coverage and avoiding duplication and resource waste.

Regarding implementing key solutions and tasks in the coming period, Hao stated that VSS shall direct social security offices in provinces and cities to more vigorously implement VSS’ giuding documents, enhance communication, strengthen inspection and examination, develop digital software to better identify revenue data, organize experience-sharing conferences for local implementation, continue to hold training course for collection service staff... thereby ensuring sustainable development of social and health insurance participants.

In the health insurance field, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Van, Deputy Director of the Health Insurance Policy Implementation Department, reported that the units had actively and effectively coordinated with the health sector in amending the Health Insurance Law. Along with this, they instructed local social insurance offices to effectively implement Government Decree 75, including early budget allocation and criteria development to warn against cost overruns in examination and treatment health insurance premiums payment control with the spirit of prioritizing people's rights in health insurance utilization.

The Inspector of the VSS stated that the Inspectorate had urged local social security offices to strengthen examination of healthcare facilities with significant medical expenses and unusual signs. This work will continue to be intensified in May. Additionally, local social insurance offices will be required to review unemployment insurance premiums expenditure and resolve social insurance issues promptly. Furthermore, specialized inspection and sudden inspections of social security offices will be enhanced.

Regarding the settlement of social, unemployment and health insurance policies, Mr. Do Ngoc Tho, Director of Social Insurance Policy Implementation Department, stated that the unit had actively participated in providing input for amending the Social Insurance Law and implementing salary reform policies. Concerning social insurance, directives and guidance have been issued to focus on controlling and detecting signs of misappropriating social insurance funds.

In the field of communication, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Director of the Media Center, reported some communication outcomes. The Center has closely followed VSS’ directives, focusing on communication since the beginning of the year, emphasizing the rights and benefits of social and health insurance participants; informing about pension and social insurance benefits payment according to new regulations for the public; raising awareness of the disadvantages of only receiving  one time social insurance benefits. In the future, Media Center will align with National Assembly’s issues of public concern to develop suitable communication strategies; emphasizing the role and responsibility of party committees, local authorities, and employers in ensuring long-term welfare for workers...

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Chairman Nguyen Van Cuong emphasized the need for resolute implementation and strengthened control of health insurance expenses, limiting cost estimate overrun. Additionally, it is necessary to study and propose policy management mechanisms, put forward appropriate measures to meet practical requirements. Moreover, the issue of late social and health insurance premiums payment is concerned. The Steering Committee on implementing insurance and health insurance policies at the local level should continue to enhance inspection, examination, and reduce the number of late social insurance and health insurance payments. Regarding one-time social insurance premiums payment, It is necessary to have positive and appropriate communication messages aligned with the direction of amending the Social Insurance Law to ensure workers have comprehensive and accurate information about this issue.

Deputy General Director Dao Viet Anh also directed the field of communication, focusing on conveying messages concentrated on serving objectives, bring benefits to the people, and businesses; improving management efficiency, preventing profit-seeking of social and health insurance benefits.

Overall picture of the meeting

Concluding the conference, General Director Nguyen The Manh highly appreciates the overall achievements of the entire industry in the first four months of the year. He acknowledges that the key targets have all been deployed compared to the same period, indicating a favorable start. However, he acknowledges that there are numerous difficulties and challenges in 2024, so the entire sector is not inattentive.

According to Manh, all officials and employees throughout the industry have been very responsible with many important tasks being timely implemented, especially in ensuring the rights of the people and beneficiaries of social and health insurance policies. He requests the entire industry to continue adhering closely to the Party's directions, orientations, and government policies regarding social and health insurance policies, as well as to continue to coordinate closely with relevant ministries and agencies in drafting and perfecting laws related to the industry's tasks in the future. In particular, he urges the social insurance departments of provinces and cities to urgently strengthen their advisory work and mobilize participation at all levels in implementing social and health insurance policies, assigning targets to each commune and ward to ensure sustainable growth.

For the coming tasks, Manh suggests that units continue to adhere to the government's and the industry's directives for serious implementation, while also coordinating closely with ministries, industries to resolve difficulties in carrying out their work, thereby, supposing comprehensive and effective scenarios and plans for implementation.

Communication efforts need to be further strengthened, focusing on forecasting and monitoring socio-economic fluctuations, labor market dynamics related to the industry's activities to develop proactive plans and timely guidance for individuals and organizations. The promotion on the installation of the VssID-BHXH digital application should continue to be emphasized, enabling employees to actively participate and enjoy social insurance benefits, thus helping the relevant authorities direct and deal with violations. Regarding IT application in task implementation, Manh directs the IT Center to enhance more convenient and useful features and utilities.

Manh also emphasizes the need for specialized units of VSS to continue to closely coordinate with units under ministries, industries in researching and amending Law on  social insurance, Law on health insurance. He calls for clear assessments and proposals for amendments in line with practical requirements. In terms of digital transformation, he directs the rapid implementation of technical steps to ensure the effectiveness of using the national insurance database, optimizing social and health insurance-related procedures.

Furthermore, he stresses the need for units to expedite the implementation of tasks, review and issue pending plans and programs to issue timely, focusing on the best implementation to ensure the rights of citizens and workers, especially emphasizing on the protection of rights for health insurance patients. Continued support measures and resolution of difficulties for healthcare facilities under the sector's jurisdiction are essential, as well as coordination and advice on resolving issues within the jurisdiction of the government and relevant ministries and departments.

Especially, It is essential to resolutely supervise the units which has outstanding debts, late payments, conduct sudden and regular inspections to reduce debts; enhance professional skills training, improve the quality of the inspection team; effectively emphasize on financial management among government levels. Strengthening communication on social, health insurance policies, public service communication, digital transformation, and administrative reform.