The Project 06 Working Group of Vietnam Social Security held a meeting to implement the PM's Decision No. 06/QD-TTg
08/03/2022 09:37 AM
On January 6, 2022, the Prime Minister (PM) issued Decision No. 06/QD-TTg approving the project on developing the application of population database, e-identification and e-authentication for national digital transformation in the 2022-2025 period, with a vision to 2030 (hereinafter referred to as Project 06 for short). To implement this task, on February 28, 2020, in Hanoi, the Project 06 Working Group of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) had a meeting to set out goals and solutions. Deputy General Director Dao Viet Anh, Leader of the Working Group chaired the meeting.
The Working Group 06 of VSS was established on February 15, 2022, according to Decision No. 139/QD-BHXH of the General Director of VSS. According to the Decision, the Working Group consists of 11 members. In which, Deputy General Director Dao Viet Anh is the leader; Mr. Le Nguyen Bong - Director of the IT Center is the standing vice team leader and Mr. Nguyen Hoang Phuong - Deputy Director of the IT Center is the vice team leader.
The Working Group has the following tasks: Advising and assisting the General Director - Head of the Steering Committee for Digital Transformation of VSS; developing plans and roadmaps on time; allocating human resources to carry out the tasks assigned in Decision No. 06; guiding, urging, inspecting and supervising units directly under the VSS, social security offices of provinces and centrally-run cities in performing the tasks. On a monthly basis, the Working Group shall report to the General Director - Head of the Steering Committee for Digital Transformation of VSS, the situation and results of task performance; at the same time, propose and recommend directions and solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in the process of implementation.
The Working Group of Project 06 of VSS held a meeting to implement the PM's Decision No. 06/QD-TTg on February 28, 2022.
At the meeting, the members of the Working Group discussed and contributed ideas to the draft assignment of tasks of each member of the team on the tasks to be implemented in the coming time.
Deputy General Director Dao Viet Anh - Head of the Working Group requested that in order for the Group to operate effectively, the tasks of each member must be associated with the functions and duties of the unit to which the member belongs. In addition, the Group needs to have a good mechanism for regular and extraordinary information and reports to promptly grasp and handle issues. "The Working Group will hold a regular meeting once a month and make periodic reports every 15 days and make ad-hoc reports for each specific task," emphasized Anh.
The report of the IT Center said that, implementing Decision No. 06/QD-TTg, up to now, the General Director of VSS has signed and promulgated: Decision No. 123/QD-BHXH dated January 28, 2022 promulgating the Plan of VSS to implement Project 06 and Decision No. 139/QD-BHXH dated February 15, 2022 to establish a Working Group to implement Project 06.
By the end of February 2022, the VSS has successfully connected with the National Population Database and is continuing to coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to share and review more than 23 million demographic information is available in the National Insurance Database with the National Population Database. The VSS has also provided and shared records of social and health insurance information for the National Population Database.
In order to ensure the progress of implementing the use of citizen identification, the application of the National Electronic Identity (VNEID) replaces the paper health insurance card for medical examination and treatment covered by health insurance under Project 06, from February 11, 2022, the VSS has coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security to authenticate citizen information (participating in health insurance) in the national population database through their ID card numbers to compare and synchronize ID numbers from the national population database into the database of social insurance. Along with that, the VSS has also sent an official dispatch No. 294/CNTT-PM dated February 28, 2022 on providing identification information for health insurance cards to serve the collection of identity accounts at the police office and proposed C06 to connect technology for the VSS to share health insurance card data to assist police officers in checking health insurance cards when collecting identity accounts of citizens.
At the meeting, the Working Group also informed, in order to ensure the progress of the assigned work, in the coming time, the VSS will continue to implement a number of tasks such as: integrating the provision of public services on the National Public Service Portal - Linking birth registration, permanent residence registration - Issuing health insurance cards for children under 6 years old; Contact for death registration - Removal of permanent residence registration - Funeral allowance; Integrating deductions in health insurance card renewal by household. Accordingly, on February 21, 2022, the VSS issued Official Letter No. 426/BHXH-VP to the Government Office on consultation on the draft content of restructuring the integrated business process and providing online public services.
The IT Center is coordinating with the Administrative Procedures Control Department (Government Office) and C06 (Ministry of Public Security) to connect and deploy authentication services provided by the Government Office and the Ministry of Public Security for the integrated calculation of deduction in the renewal of health insurance cards by household. The IT Center has issued Official Letter No. 233/CNTT-PM requesting the Department of Social Insurance Book and Health Insurance Card to provide a business process for the Center to adjust the software to meet the requirements of "integrated payment deduction in the renewal of health insurance cards”./.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security