Human resource and social security development is attached with international economy integration

24/04/2024 10:50 AM

According to ILO, Viet Nam has a relatively well developed social protection system. The Government, the Party and the Social Partners in Viet Nam remain dedicated and focus on strengthening Vietnam's social protection system. Viet Nam is seen as a country with a high potential to lead the accelerator to success and as inspiration to other countries, given the Viet Nam’s priorities on productive job creation, social protection, and environmental sustainability.

Since Viet Nam rejoined the ILO in 1992, ILO  was to assist the country in developing its Labour Code in 1994 when Viet Nam had to form a new legal framework to govern the labour market as part of the Doi Moi. The ILO Regional Director for Asia and the PacificMs Asada-Miyakawa, Viet Nam is seen as a country with a high potential to lead the accelerator to success and as inspiration to other countries, given the Viet Nam’s priorities on productive job creation, social protection, and environmental sustainability. 
on 28 March, ILO, Viet Nam agree on new cooperation framework in employment, social protection, and labour market governance. This is the fourth Decent Work Country Programme for Viet Nam. The 2022-2026 programme translates the ILO’s core mandate of advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in condition of freedom, equity, security and human dignity, into the country’s context. Accordingly, By 2026, the people of Vietnam, especially those at risk of being left behind, will contribute and benefit equitably from a sustainable, inclusive and gender-responsive economic transition based on innovation, entrepreneurship, productivity enhancement, competitiveness and decent work.

Benefit from inclusive, gender-responsive, disability-sensitive, equitable, affordable and quality social services and social security systems, with the goal of poverty alleviation multidimensional, inclusive, sustainable and empowering people to help them reach their full potential.

Enjoy and contribute to a more equitable, secure and inclusive society based on improved public governance, more responsive institutions, enhanced rule of law, enhanced protection and respect human rights, gender equality and the elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination, in line with Vietnam's international commitments.
In the past, The Vietnamese Government  focus on employment, human resource development and social security associated with with the process of international economic integration in the new context, in line with the sustainable development strategy, balancing between economic and social goals, ensuring the interests of employees, enterprises and of society. 

 in the coming time, the ILO stands ready to work closely with the Government of Vietnam and social partners, should give priority to continuing to support the development and improvement of the legal system on labor, the development and completion of social policies for the period of 2023 - 2030; supporting harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations at enterprises.
In addition, strengthening cooperation supports research and ratification of a number of ILO conventions, including Convention 87 on freedom of association and protection of the right to organize. 
Vietnam's priorities are on creating green and productive jobs, protecting and social security for workers, and maintaining market governance. Labor market and effective labor relations are highly appreciated. The ILO stands ready to work closely with the Government of Vietnam and social partners towards the shared goal of promoting social justice and employment; towards consensus-building and decent workplaces with shared benefits for all women and men and to leave no one behind.