Decree on Personal Data Protection promulgated

17/04/2023 05:36 PM

The Government on April 17 issued Decree on Personal Data Protection which specifies measures and conditions to ensure the work.

Preparing for Decree 13/2023/NĐ-CP: Protecting Personal Data and Ensuring Compliance for Your Business in Vietnam - VILAF - Vietnam International Law Firm

The Government on April 17 issued Decree on Personal Data Protection which specifies measures and conditions to ensure the work.

Under the document, which will take effect from July 1, 2023, those to protect personal data include management and technical measures implemented by organisations and individuals involved in processing personal data; measures implemented by State management agencies with jurisdiction in accordance with this decree and related laws and regulations; investigation and prosecution measures carried out by State agencies; and other measures as stipulated by law.

The Government on April 17 issued Decree on Personal Data Protection which specifies measures and conditions to ensure the work.. Photo: Internet

They must be applied from the beginning and throughout the process of handling personal data.

The Department of Cyber Security and Hi-tech Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Public Security is the specialised agency for the work, tasked with assisting the ministry in implementing State management on the protection of personal data.

The national portal on personal data protection provides information on policies of the Party, and laws of the State on personal data protection; disseminates policies and laws on personal data protection; updates and receives related information and data through the internet; and provides information on the assessment of personal data protection activities of relevant agencies, organisations and individuals.

In addition, it also receives notifications of violations of regulations on personal data protection; issues warnings about risks and actions of infringing personal data as prescribed by law; and performs other activities in accordance with relevant regulations.

The decree specifies that agencies, organisations, and individuals are responsible for disseminating knowledge, skills, and raising public awareness of personal data protection; and ensuring material facilities and conditions for the specialised agency in implementing its tasks.

The Ministry of Public Security is assigned to develop specific programmes and plans to develop workforces specialising in the work.


 The plan aims to seriously and effectively implement regulations on personal data protection in Decree No. 13/2023/ND-CP; focus on raising awareness and responsibility of agencies, units, localities, enterprises and individuals having official and professional activities related to the processing and use of personal data. Determine the contents, tasks and solutions that need to be organized to effectively implement Decree No. 13/2023/ND-CP to meet the requirements of strengthening the management of information related to personal data on the Internet. network environment associated with the assignment of responsibilities to agencies, units and localities in the province.

 In this plan, the Provincial People's Committee provides specific content: Organizing, guiding, propagating and disseminating the implementation of Decree No. 13/2023/ND-CP to agencies, units and organizations, localities, cadres, civil servants, public employees and people in the province; perform state management of personal data protection; review, evaluate, classify personal data, determine the content, and take measures to protect personal data; investigate and handle the illegal collection, transfer, trading of personal data; ensure operating conditions for the protection of personal data.

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 The Provincial People's Committee assigns the Provincial Police to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant units to advise the Provincial People's Committee in performing the state management of personal data protection in the province in accordance with the law; guiding the implementation of personal data protection activities, protecting the rights of data subjects against acts of violating the provisions of the law on protection of personal data;  synthesize, report and propose to the Provincial People's Committee according to regulations./