VSS ordered to ensure social, health insurance funds operated safely, sustainably

17/12/2022 03:03 PM

Viet Nam Social Security is ordered to ensure social and health insurance funds are operated safely and sustainably because social and health insurance policies are major social security policies of the Party and State.

Ho Duc Phoc, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Finance, and Viet Nam Social Security Board of Commissioners, made the order at the meeting of the board on December 9 in Ha Noi.

Minister Phoc said that the agency has applied information and technology in its operation very early, however, the agency is still told to continue strengthening the application of information and technology in the future.

Ho Duc Phoc, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Finance, and Viet Nam Social Security Board of Commissioners chairs the meeting

It should focus on training people to master technology; applying information and technology in inspecting, supervising, and strongly connecting data; applying artificial intelligence to manage, operate, and detect fraud and duplication in payment of social and health insurance contributions, he said.

Besides, the agency has to pay special attention and continue to closely coordinate with relevant ministries and sectors to make suggestions in order to build and perfect the legal system on social and health insurance, he said.

It needs to create favourable conditions for relevant units in the implementation of the legal system on social and health insurance, meeting the requirements and changes from social reality as well as the labour market, he said.

The agency is also tasked to promote communication to increase the number of people participating in social, health and unemployment insurance, especially voluntary social insurance, he said.

The social insurance’s budget estimate and settlement must be public and transparent, he said.

Nguyen The Manh, Standing Deputy Chairman of the board, General Director of Viet Nam Social Security delivers a speech at the meeting

It has to make the budget estimate close to the actual situation and regularly report to the board, he said.

It is necessary for the agency to actively seek and offer solutions to solve problems and shortcomings related to medical examination and treatment expenses covered by the health insurance, he said.

If the problems are beyond the authority of the agency, it has to immediately report to the State authorities, he said.

Phoc also told the agency to streamline its management apparatus, and improve the management level, professional capacity, and ethics of the civil servants and public employees to better serve the participants of social, health and unemployment insurance, he said.

Nguyen The Manh, Standing Deputy Chairman of the board, General Director of Viet Nam Social Security noted the comments of Phoc at the meeting.

Manh said that he will continue directing specialised units of the agency to seek solutions for the shortcomings and carry out tasks of the agency in 2023.

At the same time, he proposed the board approve the Strategic Plan for the development of Viet Nam Social Security until 2030; Financial Settlement in 2021; estimates of revenues and expenditures in 2023 and the three-year plan for the State budget and Finance between 2023 and 2025.

Report on task performance in 2022

Nguyen Van Cuong, Deputy Chairman of the board at the meeting

Nguyen Van Cuong, Deputy Chairman of the board said the board’s members had organised three monitoring teams in 10 provinces and cities this year.

After carrying out the supervision and inspection, the teams offered many solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of social and health insurance policies in the provinces and cities, he said.

Ho Duc Phoc, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Finance, and Viet Nam Social Security Board of Commissioners delivers a speech at the meeting

In the first 11 months of this year, the board has performed many tasks in accordance with the prescribed functions and tasks; successfully completed the working programme according to the annual plan and the tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister, he said.

The board has actively followed the Resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government and the direction of the Prime Minister; members of the board have approved and made recommendations to competent State agencies to amend and supplement policies and laws on social, health and unemployment insurance in a timely and effective manner, he said.

The board also adopted the development strategy of the Viet Nam Social Security, the long-term, five-year and annual plans on the implementation of the social, health and unemployment insurance, he said.

 Delegates at the meeting

It also consolidated the organisational system of Viet Nam Social Security; the mechanism for management and use of social, health and unemployment insurance funds; promptly removed difficulties to ensure the interests of people and businesses and successfully completed the assigned tasks, he said.

In the first 11 months of this year, the development of participants in social, health and unemployment insurance achieved many goals and plans although there were many difficulties caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, policy changes and labour market fluctuations, he said.

The agency’s collection, expenditure and investment of funds have been carried out safely and effectively, strictly complying with the provisions of law, and resolutions of the board, he added./.