Key Information about Student Health Insurance policy for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
10/09/2023 09:25 AM
Participating in Student Health Insurance, students do not only receive a minimum of 30% support from the state for their contributions but also benefit from convenient and straightforward registration procedures. Moreover, they enjoy many practical privileges when facing illnesses. For many students, health insurance is not only a financial support system during difficult times but also provides them with the opportunity to receive medical treatment and return to their studies.
To provide parents and students with a better understanding of the Student Health Insurance policy for the 2023-2024 academic year, the Vietnam Social Security (VSS) would like to provide the following specific information:
1. Payment Methods and Contribution Amount
When students enroll in health insurance, they register at their educational institution, where they are currently studying. Students can choose to make regular contributions for health insurance with three payment options: every 3 months, every 6 months, or once a year. The amount students contribute to health insurance (after deducting the state budget support) is as follows:
- If students choose to pay every 3 months, the contribution amount is: 170,100 VND.
- If students choose to pay every 6 months, the contribution amount is: 340,200 VND.
- If students choose to pay once a year, the contribution amount is: 680,400 VND.
Illustrative image (VSS)
2. Regarding initial healthcare registration and procedures for using health insurance for medical services
Students participating in health insurance have the right to register for initial medical care at one of the healthcare facilities under the health insurance network at the commune, district, or equivalent level as stipulated. Students can choose and change the location for initial medical registration at the beginning of each quarter.
When students use health insurance for medical services, they must present one of the following documents:
- An unexpired health insurance card or the health insurance card image on the VssID application (Social Insurance Number) and an identification document with a photo.
- A chip-embedded citizen identification card or the electronic VneID application integrated with health insurance card information.
3. Regarding the Level of health insurance Benefits
Firstly, when students receive medical care at a healthcare facility with a health insurance contract:
- In cases health insurance services are received at the initially registered location and the procedures are fully followed for students with a health insurance card with a benefit code of 4, they are entitled to an 80% coverage of the medical expenses.
Illustrative image
- In cases health insurance services are received outside the designated network: Patients who do not have a referral letter but complete the health insurance procedures are entitled to reimbursement from the health insurance fund within the scope, level, and ratios as stipulated:
Specialized Technical Knowledge
Types of Healthcare Services
Rate of Coverage
(cost of healthcare services)
District-level Hospital
Outpatient, Inpatient
Provincial-level Hospital
Central-level Hospital
- In cases health insurance services are used without completing documentation at the initially registered location, the Social Security Office directly covers healthcare costs for:
+ Outpatient services at district-level hospitals, with a maximum coverage of not more than 0.15 times the base salary (equivalent to 270,000 VND).
+ Inpatient services at district-level hospitals, with a maximum coverage of not more than 0.5 times the base salary (equivalent to 900,000 VND).
Secondly, when students seek healthcare services at healthcare facilities without a health insurance contract:
The Social Security Office directly covers healthcare costs for:
- Outpatient services at district-level hospitals, with a maximum coverage of 0.15 times the base salary (equivalent to 270,000 VND).
- Inpatient services at district-level hospitals, with a maximum coverage of 0.5 times the base salary (equivalent to 900,000 VND).
- Inpatient services at provincial-level hospitals, with a maximum coverage of 1 times the base salary (equivalent to 1,800,000 VND).
- Inpatient services at central-level hospitals, with a maximum coverage of 2.5 times the base salary (equivalent to 4,500,000 VND).
Thirdly, for other special cases, the Social Security Office directly covers healthcare costs according to the entitlements of the health insurance participants:
In specific cases:
- When health insurance card data is not provided or is inaccurately provided.
- When the patient cannot present their health insurance card before admission or during the transfer due to emergency conditions, unconsciousness, death, or loss of the card without a replacement.
- When health insurance participants have continuously paid healthcare costs for 5 years or more, and the total amount paid in the same direction in a year exceeds 6 months of the base salary but has not been reimbursed.
- In emergency cases at healthcare facilities without a health insurance contract.
Fourthly, in emergency cases:
Students can receive emergency medical care at any healthcare facility and must present their health insurance card along with identification documents with a photo before admission to benefit from health insurance entitlements as specified.
Firstly, health insurance cards are issued or renewed annually for students in general education, university, and vocational education institutions:
- For 1st-grade students: The health insurance card is valid from October 1st of the first year of primary school.
- For 12th-grade students: The card is valid until September 30th of the academic year.
- For first-year university students: The card is valid from enrollment, except for 12th-grade students with valid cards.
- For final-year university students: The health insurance card is valid until the end of the month in which the academic program concludes.
Secondly, the card's validity corresponds to the number of months of health insurance contributions made by students.
Students and parents can check the validity period of the health insurance card using the following methods:
- Access the VSS Electronic Information Portal at the following address: insurance.aspx
- Call the VSS hotline at 1900.9068 for consultation and assistance.
- Install and use the "VssID – Digital Social Insurance" application to monitor and update health insurance contribution and entitlement information.
The health insurance policy has effectively become part of daily life and has proven to be effective in providing comprehensive healthcare for the younger generation. The rate of student participating health insurance for the upcoming year is higher than the previous year, approaching the goal of 100% coverage. In the 2022-2023 academic year, there were approximately 18.8 million students participating in health insurance nationwide, achieving a coverage rate of over 97% of the total student population. In the first 8 months of 2023, over 5 million student healthcare visits were covered by the health insurance fund, with a total amount exceeding 2,174 billion VND.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security