More than 1,800 jobs qualified for early retirement announced
03/02/2021 08:40 AM
The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs recently issued a directory of 1,838 arduous, toxic and dangerous trades and occupations; and extremely arduous, toxic and dangerous trades and occupations.
Illustrative image
Starting from March 1, 2021, people working in one of those jobs for 15 years will be qualified for early retirement before the retirement age.
Workers in arduous, toxic and dangerous trades and occupations; and extremely arduous, toxic and dangerous trades and occupations, will enjoy the early retirement scheme if they pay health insurance for 20 years or more and have their working capacity reduced by at least 61 per cent.
Jobs listed in the directory include those in mineral mining, mechanical engineering, chemical sector, transport, electricity, communications, post and telecommunications, concrete manufacturing, chinaware, glass, grocery plastic, paper, wood processing, leather and textile production, agriculture and forestry.
Other jobs are in trade, TV and broadcasting, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, irrigation, geology, environmental sanitation, production of bricks, ceramics, porcelain, stone, sand, gravel, construction glass, construction materials, cigarette production, airlines, science and technology, banking, tourism, paper production, among others./.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security