Enhancing child abuse and violence prevention measures

27/11/2019 02:20 PM

Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung signed Circular No 01/CĐ-LĐTBXH on November 26 to ask Chairmen of the People’s Committees of central-level provinces and cities to increase measures to prevent child abuse and violence

Illustrative Photo, source: Internet

The Circular states that besides positive results in protecting and caring for children, violence and abuse against children, particularly sexual abuse, have tended to increase. Many instances of serious violations of children’s rights happened at homes, schools, social support centres and in the community. In many cases, those causing abuse or violence against children were family members or people responsible for taking care of or protecting children, causing great public concern and urging more attention and guidance to help deal with abuse and violence effectively and resolutely.

Implementing the Prime Minister’s direction, the Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs urged Chairmen of the People’s Committees of central-level localities to increase guidance on the implementation of tasks including: incorporating goals of adopting children’s rights into socio-economic development plans and State budget estimates, particularly mid-term plans and plans for the future in their localities; and mobilising and effectively using investment resources to ensure children’s rights so that children can live safe and healthy lives. 

It is also necessary to enhance information dissemination and education for children, families and the community on policies and regulations relating to children’s rights, while caring for the comprehensive development of children on health, nutrition, knowledge and understanding, minimising negative effects, risks and vulnerable factors. Strengthening social skills to enable children to deal with negative effects is also needed.

It is significant to promote the responsibility of families, schools and society, particularly leaders of relevant agencies and units in preventing and dealing with risks, negative effects and abuse and violence towards children and taking responsibility to detect, report and denounce child abuse and violent behaviour in a timely manner.

Strengthening State management over children; supervising and carrying out comprehensive inspection on the implementation of the rights of children by authorities, agencies, units, social support centres and education establishments in their localities. Giving prompt directions to handle violations and strictly punish those responsible.

Examining responsibilities of heads of agencies, units and establishments with delays or failures to care and support children who suffered abuse and violence. Transferring files of cases of child abuse and violence suspected of criminal violations to authorised agencies to strictly punish violators in line with laws./.