Breakthrough institution needed to spur development

04/05/2018 06:13 PM

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc stressed the need to build a breakthrough institution to create an impetus for the development of three special zones -Van Don, Bac Van Phong and Phu Quoc, and spread their effects on other economic regions nationwide, helping spur the country’s economic growth in a rapid and sustainable manner.

He was speaking in Hanoi on April 18 at the first meeting of the National Steering Committee for developing special economic-administrative units (called in short: Special Zones) as Head of the Committee. The meeting heard the decision on the establishment of the National Steering Committee announced by a representative of the Government Office.

A representative from the Ministry of Planning and Investment, which acts as the standing agency of the National Steering Committee, presented a report on the progress of making the Law on Special Economic-Administrative Units and a plan to execute the Law. It was followed by the Ministry of Home Affairs report on the plan to examine the three projects on the establishment of Van Don, Bac Van Phong and Phu Quoc special zones.

Policies shall stand out to compete internationally 

After listening to opinions presented by the Committee’s members, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc gave his conclusion, assigning the Ministry of Planning and Investment to take the prime responsibility for gathering these opinions to refine the draft Law on Special Economic-Administrative Units to submit it to the National Assembly at its upcoming meeting in May.

The work must demonstrate the high resolve and consensus of the Party, the National Assembly and the Government in building a breakthrough institution to generate a driving force for the development of the three special zones, as well as effects on other economic regions, thus contributing to promoting the country’s fast and sustainable growth, he said.

Mechanisms and policies to be applied for these special zones must not go against the Constitution. They must have standout and clear advantages that can compete internationally. Policies must be consistent, stable, and long-term. The draft law must have the latest data, clearly define regionally and internationally comparative advantages, thoroughly evaluate short-term and long-term impacts, and include comprehensive and strategic visions in service of the making of policies to lure strategic investors. 

After hearing different viewpoints about incentives pertaining to investment, finance and business lines, including tax rates and duration, the PM suggested the committee members continue to collect and filter ideas for the completion of the Law.

No loopholes are allowed in State management when the Law takes effect

The apparatus should be compact, efficient, and effective and has broader management jurisdiction. The model of the apparatus shall be defined clearly, as shall specific tasks and authority of concerned agencies, including the army, police, the people’s procuracy, law-enforcement forces, diplomatic, taxation, customs and treasury agencies.

“An administration that is more compact and more efficient draws talents of the country,” the PM said, requiring the Ministry of Planning and Investment to list comprehensively the works needed to do.

Actions needed to tackle “land sharks”

The PM demanded authorities of the three provinces housing the special zones to promptly rectify their management of land, forests and environment, ensure social order, and act to prevent the uncontrolled operation of “land sharks”.  

“The provinces need to launch the preparatory works instructed by ministries and sectors, such as the Ministry of Home Affairs guidelines on the apparatus and profession, as quickly as possible. Stronger authority should be transferred to the heads of the special zones,” the PM said.

Efforts should be focused on ensuring the planning must be quality and long-term. Attention should be given to the training of human resources, including the managerial staff, for prioritized sectors as well as the selection of strategic investors for the special zones. Communications work is important to create a consensus in society, he said. The National Steering Committee will convene another meeting before the National Assembly’s upcoming meeting, he said.

Addressing the meeting on the issue of land management, a representative from Quang Ninh province said in 2017 the province screened all projects in Van Don and withdrew nine non-operating small-scaled ones covering about 352 ha.

Quang Ninh banned the transfer of forest land and aquaculture in Van Don during this time, the representative said, adding that the provincial authority took hard actions to deal with “land sharks” in the area. 
All 1/500 planning schemes in Van Don were stopped as the general planning is awaiting for the PM’s approval. The province has accomplished the project on Van Don special zone and waited for the answer from the appraisal council. Quang Ninh’s leaders said media news about a land fever in Van Don was not correct.

According to Kien Giang’s leaders, land is a heated issue in Phu Quoc, especially unlawful construction and land purchases. The province’s interdisciplinary teams have inspected these problems since October 2017. However, the efforts seemed to make the situation stand still for a while but not yet put the end to it. 

Khanh Hoa’s leaders also reported about complicated happenings relating to land issues in Bac Van Phong. The province has not granted any construction licences for new projects since December 2017 and tightened its management over the operating projects in the locality. The province has set up inter-sectoral inspection teams to tackle the problem.

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