The press' role on ensuring social seciety is brought into

19/06/2024 10:30 AM

The press is an essential mass medium for the social life. Over the recent time, with its basic characteristics being popularity, promptness, timeliness, wide coverage and multidimensionality, the press has, in law dissemination and education activities, served as a bridge between the Party, the State and the people, introduced laws into life, and helped officials and the people raise their awareness about law as well as sense of law observance.

Monitoring, social criticism is one of the basic functions of the press. Over the years, the press has performed quite well this function, together with the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, the people actively participated in monitoring, social criticism, contributing significantly to creating a consensus and unification in the performance of two strategic tasks of building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

At the 11 thCongress, the Communist Party of Vietnam officially acknowledged and requested the Vietnam’s revolutionary press to take on the role of social criticism. The Resolution of the Congress stated: “Focusing on improving the ideology, promoting strongly the function of information, education, organization and social criticism of the mass media for the benefit of the people and our country...”. Earlier, in the Central Resolution No.6 (second time) Session VIII (February 1999), our Party affirmed that the press and the mass media were one of four social monitoring systems. This is an important development step in theory and awareness of the Party about the social role of the press and the mass media.

Monitoring, social criticism of the press in the process of implementing the Party and State's guidelines, policies and laws promptly detected the agencies doing well, for praising, encouraging and summarizing practices; At the same time, it also discovered the "shortcomings" of policy-institutional constructions, thereby improving the quality of governance of the state apparatus. The role and power of social criticism of the press are first and foremost detecting good deeds and mistakes of organizations and individuals thereby originating and directing public opinion in the direction of supporting or countering, create pressure on public opinion and request competent authorities to resolve, explain and answer the public and the people.

The more society develops, the more democracy will expand, and the power of its people will be strengthened, especially the right to supervise public administrations, public servants and officials of state administrative agencies to limit, control the abuse of power. Because when political power, state power is not strictly controlled, it will lead to abuse; the abuse of power leads to alienation of power. Therefore, strengthening the role of monitoring, social criticism of the Fatherland Front, political organizations, the people and the press is extremely necessary, especially in the current period, when the entire Party and people are focusing on promoting the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country.

Over the past years, the press has actively participated in social supervision and feedback, actively contributing to the Party’s instructions and guidelines; policies and laws of the State; fighting against the hostile, wrong allegations, preventing corruption, negative and social evils that are hindering the development of the country. In the fight against corruption, the press plays the role of a subject that initiates social feedback most strongly. Most of the events and phenomena mentioned by the press have created pressure as well as created opportunities and conditions for the authorities to fight against corruption.

In fact, many big negative cases, although sophisticated tricks and acts of corruption, have been exposed by the people and the press. Although there are still limitations and shortcomings of the press participation in fighting against negatives and corruption, one thing must be affirmed, the press always takes the lead in the fight against negatives and corruption. The spread of the press is very fast and wide, especially in the trend of journalism connected to the global internet. That is the practical basis for the media to actively participate in monitoring, social criticism.

In its role of monitoring, social criticism, the press not only informs but also expresses opinions and views on real life issues in the society. 
With the desire to bring social and health insurance policies closer to the people, in recent times, the entire system of Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has always placed special emphasis on coordinating with units both within and outside the sector to disseminate information about the benefits and significance of participating in social and health insurance to the public. Consequently, there has been a gradual expansion of the coverage of social and health insurance across the country.

The communication, press' activities on social insurance policies have been deployed professionally and effectively, contributing to implementing the agency’s tasks over past years.The communication, press' activities have become a bridge to transmit and bring information about the guidelines, policies and laws of the Party and State on social insurance to all levels, sectors and strata of the people; raise awareness and initiative of people and businesses in participating in and enjoying the policies; strengthening the people's confidence in the policies, helping the people fully realise the meaning and benefits of participating in social insurance, thereby voluntarily participating in social insurance as an indispensable need.

Many businesses have realised that paying social insurance is not only an obligation, but also an important factor to improve the reputation and brand of the business, so that employees can feel secure to participate in production and contribute to the development of the company.

The communication, press' work has made an important contribution to the development, completion and implementation of the social insurance policies.

It is also an effective channel to receive feedback from social insurance participants on the effectiveness of policy implementation, difficulties and problems in practice; propose adjustment solutions; refute bad, toxic, distorted and fake information about the social insurance policies; spread examples of good people, good deeds, creative ways in implementing the social insurance policies; replicated typical examples; promoted the spirit of mutual affection; mobilised and attracted the attention of organisations and individuals, kind-hearted people doing voluntary work to help disadvantaged people to participate in the social insurance policies and joining hands to build a social security system for every citizen which "leaves no one behind".Content, form renewed

The press'  has renewed the content, form and methods of communication and synchronously deployed many solutions to provide timely, accurate and complete information on the social insurance policies, ensuring that people can access all information about the policies, raising awareness about social insurance of all classes of people.