Good social security implementation improves peopel's physical and spiritual life

20/05/2024 09:30 AM

Social security contributes to the well-being and the overall development of society, allowing citizens to lead a decent and dignified life. In recent years, Viet Nam has well implemented policies towards people with merits, social welfare, job creation and sustainable poverty reduction; the proportion of people joining social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance has increased rapidly; and the proportion of poor households is forecast to fall.

In Vietnam, the social security system is based on the pillars of sustainable poverty reduction; vocational training, labor and employment, social insurance, health insurance, and other types of insurance, and social protection and basic social services.In recent years, Vietnam has made important strides in improving institutions to expand social security coverage with the ultimate goal of covering all citizens by social security throughout their life. Under the Vietnam Socio-Economic Development Strategy 2021-2030, Vietnam aims to become a high-middle-income country by 2030 and a high-income country by 2045. 
In 2020 and 2021 when the COVID-19 pandemic was raging, the Government adopted several unprecedented policies and resolutions and used the Unemployment Insurance Fund to help employees and employers overcome difficulties.
Bui Ton Hien, Director of the Institute for Labor and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, said: "Vietnam completed many millennium goals ahead of schedule; improved its human development index, contributed to socio-economic development, protected the environment and strengthened social welfare to improve people's lives. The system of social policies is comprehensive, ensuring the people's social security rights. Poor and disadvantaged people receive regular support from the State. The social service system has been improved, ensuring people’s right to education, health care, housing, clean water and information."
Vietnam has obtained encouraging results in strengthening social security which have been internationally recognized, including achievements in hunger eradication, poverty reduction, education, and health care. 
Vietnam's social security is expected to face many difficulties and challenges due to global risks, environmental problems and demographic pressure as a result of rapid population aging. This will profoundly affect the economy, the labor market, and people's living standard.
Vietnam intends to reform the social security system to make it comprehensive and sustainable, to achieve universal social security and cover the missing middle who are low income but not classified as poor or near poor. To improve their living standard, need social support and investment in jobs. Investing in this group enables them to develop along with national development and realize their aspirations to grow. Identifying challenges of social policies requires new, comprehensive, breakthrough approaches and priorities.

Vietnam’s development orientation until 2030 is clearly stated in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, which emphasizes the need to implement social policies, ensure social security, welfare and human security, create drastic changes in social development management, realize social progress and justice, and improve the quality of people's lives  and their happiness.

To accomplish these goals, Vietnam aims to build a multi-tiered social security system to increase social security coverage, improve social security benefits, and reduce gender disparity in implementing social security policies. Vietnam's social security system will be based on a lifecycle approach to become sustainable, inclusive, shock-responsive, and gender-sensitive, ensure rapid national development and leave no one behind.  
social security is essential in promoting social justice by providing equal opportunities and resources to all members of society. It helps to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, ensuring that individuals with limited means have access to basic necessities. By covering healthcare costs, social security allows individuals from all walks of life to receive necessary medical treatment, reducing disparities in health outcomes. Furthermore, income support programs offered through social security ensure that individuals who are unable to work due to disability or unemployment can still maintain a minimum standard of living, reducing the inequality between the employed and the unemployed.

Moreover, social security is a vital tool in reducing poverty and alleviating economic hardships. It acts as a buffer against unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, accidents, or economic downturns, which can devastate individuals and families financially. By providing a safety net, social security prevents individuals from falling into poverty or sliding deeper into it. It also prevents the intergenerational

transmission of poverty, as children of beneficiaries have access to better resources and opportunities, paving the way for social mobility. Social security ensures that individuals can maintain a certain level of economic stability and financial security, even in times of crisis.

Furthermore, social security is crucial in guaranteeing a dignified life for all citizens, particularly those who are vulnerable or marginalized. It protects the elderly by providing retirement benefits that enable them to live comfortably and independently after years of hard work. Without social security, many older adults would face the risk of financial insecurity and poverty, undermining their well-being and quality of life. Additionally, social security supports individuals with disabilities, allowing them to access necessary support services and live with dignity. It assists families with dependent children, providing financial assistance to cover their basic needs, education, and healthcare, ensuring that future generations have a fair start in life.

In conclusion, the importance of social security cannot be emphasized enough. It serves as a fundamental pillar of social justice, reducing inequality, poverty, and promoting equality of opportunity. It ensures that all individuals have access to basic needs, such as healthcare, housing, and income support, regardless of their socio-economic status. Social security contributes to the well-being and the overall development of society, allowing citizens to lead a decent and dignified life. Therefore, it is imperative for governments and societies to prioritize and continue to strengthen social security programs, ensuring the welfare of all citizens.