Education sector to improve human resources for tech industry

15/10/2022 09:16 AM

The Ministry of Education and Training has unveiled a plan to improve the training of high-quality human resources for the technology sector to enhance competitiveness in the region and the world.

Speaking at a seminar organised by the ministry last week, Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, director of the ministry’s Higher Education Department, said the ministry has been assigned to develop a project to improve human resources training for hi-tech development.

The project will focus on providing training and retraining of human resources, and attracting individuals and businesses to participate in human resource training for high-tech development.

It will also enhance cooperation between the State, enterprises and vocational facilities to provide highly qualified human resources for hi-tech enterprises.

Under the project, a number of training programmes will be implemented to increase the number of qualified and high-quality human resources in the sector.

The Ministry of Education and Training has unveiled a plan to improve the training of high-quality human resources for the technology sector to enhance competitiveness in the region and the world.

A highly qualified workforce would greatly contribute to a Government goal of making Vietnam a developing country with hi-tech industries by 2030, and a developed and high-income country by 2045, according to Thuy.

The project will propose a mechanism for funding training and research for higher education institutions.

It will propose policies to support businesses to cooperate with universities in training and research in hi-tech development, and policies to attract teachers and students to participate in training and research in the field.


Experts stressed the important role played by enterprises in the training process as well as recruiting high quality human resources after training.

They emphasised the key role of higher education institutions, including the quality of teachers and students and requirements for facilities and laboratories, which need improving.

Experts also highlighted the importance of the State budget in the training of human resources.

It is vital to promote labour exchange between Vietnam and the ASEAN market, they added.

The ministry will need to invest in digital platforms for online training and calling for foreign investment in universities.

It will also need to offer more opportunities for vulnerable groups, such as the disabled, those living in rural and ethnic minority areas, to access vocational training, especially the skills necessary in the digital age.

The project’s proposal is expected to be submitted to the Prime Minister by the end of the year./.