Support planned for 3,000 female workers impacted by pension adjustment

06/06/2018 02:43 PM

During the eighth session of the National Assembly's Committee on Social Affairs in Hanoi on April 23 morning, congressmen discussed and questioned social insurance policy, the use and management of social insurance fund for 2017. They mentioned the adjustment of pension for female workers that took effect on January 1, 2018 in accordance with the Social Insurance Law 2014, under which nearly 3,000 female workers have their pension lowered, down 6-10 percent compared to social insurance payees that retired in 2017. The issue has been of public concern over the past time.
















(Source: Internet)

At the event, member of the Party Central Committee and Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women's Union Nguyen Thi Thu Ha from Bac Giang province' s deputies delegation urged the government to take measures to support women impacted by new pension calculation from January 1, 2018. While pension calculation for both men and women is the same, women are more affected as they retire 5 years earlier than men. Therefore, the government should voice its stance to ensure fair rights and opportunities for women and men. At the same time, the committee's report should propose the NA and its Standing Committee issue a Resolution on pension for women from January 1, 2018.

Bui Sy Loi, Deputy chairman of the Social Affairs Committee, said the government had reported the issue to the legislature in the recent session, affirming that the law will not be revised because only nearly 3,000 are affected. If necessary, the government will issue a Decree to compensate them accordingly.

Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung said the government sent a report No.548/BC-CP dated November 21, 2017 to the NA. Based on opinion of the NA General Secretary under Document No.1659/TTKQH-TH dated March 31, 2018, the government assigned the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to devise a specific solution to pension for women from January 1, 2018.

Statistics showed that nearly 49,700 female workers will retire at 55 this year and new pension policy will hit around 21,000 women that are yet to pay social insurance for enough 30 years, equivalent to 43 percent of the total female retirees. In particular, 3,000 female workers will be affected when their pension drops by 6-10 percent.

Minister Dung said the ministry is devising a plan in the spirit of not amending the law, but will seek a remedy for them. The plan will be submitted to the government this May, he said.

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