Effectively implementing the law on Social Insurance 2024
22/11/2024 10:55 AM
In order to implement effectively law on social insurance, VSS issued the Plan for implementing the Social Insurance Law No. 41/2024/QH15, Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly and Decision No. 717/QĐ-TTg and Decision No. 1370/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister.
The plan clearly states that, based on the Social Insurance Law No. 41/2024/QH15 dated June 29th, 2024, shall take effect from July 1, 2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Social Insurance Law 2024); the NA’s Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 on the Resolution of the 7th session, the NA’s 15th Term; the Decision No. 717/QĐ-TTg dated July 27th, 2024 of the Prime Minister promulgating the List and assigning agencies to preside over drafting documents detailing the implementation of laws and resolutions passed by the 15th National Assembly at the 7th Session; the Decision No. 1370/QĐ-TTg dated November 12nd, 2024 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Plan for implementing the Law on Social Insurance and the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly); Vietnam Social Security promulgates the Plan for implementing the Law on Social Insurance in 2024, Resolutions of the National Assembly and Decisions of the Prime Minister.
It’s purpose is to effectively implement the tasks assigned by the National Assembly, the Government and the Prime Minister at the Law on Social Insurance 2024, the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15, the Decision No. 717/QD-TTg and the Decision No. 1370/QD-TTg.
Raise awareness of civil servants, public employees and employees in the whole sector about the Social Insurance Law 2024; conduct the implementation of the Social Insurance Law 2024, the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 and the Prime Minister's Decisions to ensure timely, synchronous, unified, effective and efficient implementation.
Specifically determine the tasks, deadline, completion progress and responsibilities of affiliated units, public service units under Vietnam Social Security, Social Insurance offices of provinces and centrally-run cities in implementing the Social Insurance Law 2024, the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister's Decisions.
In addition, it is necessary to determine the responsibilities and coordination mechanisms between units under the Vietnam Social Security, provincial Social Security offices with central and local agencies and departments in implementing the Law on Social Security 2024, the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly and Decisions of the Prime Minister.
According to the plan, ensuring the unified direction of the General Director of the Vietnam Social Security; the participation of civil servants, public employees and employees in the entire Vietnam Social Security sector; effective and close coordination among units under the Vietnam Social Security and provincial Social Security offices in implementing the Law on Social Security 2024, Resolutions of the National Assembly and Decisions of the Prime Minister.
The tasks shall link to the contents and responsibilities of units under the Vietnam Social Security and provincial Social Security offices.
At the same time, determine a specific roadmap to deploy the tasks of implementing the Social Insurance Law 2024, the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly and Decisions of the Prime Minister to be implemented uniformly and synchronously nationwide.
Regularly and promptly inspect, urge, guide to remove and resolve problems and difficulties arising in the process of implementating of this Plan.
Focus on implementing 07 main groups of contents
1. Establish a Steering Group to implement the Social Insurance Law 2024, the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15, the Decision No. 717/QD-TTg and the Decision No. 1370/QD-TTg of the Vietnam Social Insurance Industry.
2. Conduct propaganda and dissemination of the Social Insurance Law 2024: (a) Develop documents on guiding the communication of the Social Insurance Law 2024, focusing on contents related to an implementation of social insurance policies of the Vietnam Social Insurance Industry in accordance with each stage; (b) Organize legal education and dissemination on the Social Insurance Law 2024 in the whole industry.
3. Conduct in-depth training and professional development for officers of the Vietnam Social Insurance Industry.
4. For implementing 02 contents stipulated at the Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 on: (i) Recording the compulsory social insurance payment period of business owners who participated in before the effective date of the Social Insurance Law 2024; (ii) regulating the subjects, support levels, procedures and processes for settling retirement and death benefits for employees in cases where employers are no longer able to pay social insurance for employees before July 1st, 2024.
5. Review and prepare contents to participate with competent agencies in developing legal documents on detailing and guiding the implementation of the Social Insurance Law 2024 (Tasks under the Decision No. 717/QD-TTg dated July 27th, 2024 of the Prime Minister)
6. Some tasks assigned at the Decision No. 1370/QD-TTg dated November 12nd, 2024 of the Prime Minister on promulgating the Plan for implementing the Social Insurance Law and Resolution No. 142/2024/QH15 of the National Assembly.
7. Review, amend, supplement or replace professional processes for implementation.
VSS assigns the Steering Group of the Vietnam Social Security Industry to be responsible for assisting the General Director to synthesize, monitor, inspect and urge units which are under Vietnam Social Security and provincial Social Security offices to implement the tasks in this plan.
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Medical (Health Insurance)
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VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security