Viet Nam responds to environmental days

14/03/2023 08:59 AM

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has asked other ministries, agencies, sectors, localities, and organizations to take practical and effective activities in response to the World Water Day (March 22), the World Meteorological Day (March 23), and the Earth Hour 2023 (March 25).

Under the theme “Accelerating Change,” the World Water Day aims to raise awareness and provide education about the global water crisis.

The World Meteorological Day is entitled “The future of Weather, Climate, and Water across Generation”.

The Earth Hour 2023 themed “The Biggest Hour for Earth” emphasizes the stronger changes that the world needs to take to ensure global goals on environmental preservation and biodiversity. 

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has asked other ministries. Photo: Internet

A campaign to respond to the Earth Hour 2023 will be launched across Viet Nam from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on March 25 with a message of saving energy, protecting the environment and adapting to climate change. 

Viet Nam first joined the Earth Hour campaign in 2009. In 2022, the country saved 309,000 kWh of electricity, equivalent to VND 576.1 million (more than US$ 24,000).

The Earth Hour campaign in Viet Nam is hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and receives the support of many businesses, especially Vietnam Electricity (EVN) which serves as the primary sponsor of the campaign.

The campaign is one of several actions being taken by the Vietnamese Government and people, demonstrating their strong commitment to uniting with the world in the fight against climate change.

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of June and aims at raising awareness and celebrating environmental action.

This year's campaign is celebrated under the theme #BeatPlasticPollution. It highlights the need to take concrete action to achieve transformative change to tackle the climate crisis.

The human mobility implications of the climate and environmental crisis are profound. Every year, millions of people are displaced because of disasters. In 2022, disasters led to 32.6 million internal displacements, the highest ever record of internal disaster displacements (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre’s Global Report 2023). According to the World Bank, without early and concerted climate and development action, over 216 million people could become internal climate migrants by 2050. Concrete action is urgent. 

IOM calls on all governments and parties to address the reality of the climate crisis, providing concrete solutions for people who are already on the move, for people who will want or must move, and for these who want to stay.