The time limit and result regulated for the administrative procedure 'Delegating authority to receive replacement of social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits
09/01/2024 05:05 AM
How is the time limit and result regulated for the administrative procedure 'Delegating authority to receive replacement of social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits'?
Illustrative image (VSS)
Based on point 2.1, clause 2, Section V of the Appendix accompanying Decision No. 896/QD-BHXH of the Director-General of Vietnam Social Security:
• The time limit for resolving 'Delegating authority to receive replacement of social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits' is as follows: The Post Office, Social Security agency receives the authorization or authorization contract according to legal regulations and immediately disburses to the authorized person within the monthly payment period of pension and social insurance benefits.
Illustrative image (internet)
• The result of resolving this administrative procedure is demonstrated through: The authorized person receives the benefits on behalf of the entitled person.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security