Project 06 continues to be implemented effectively

11/09/2023 08:55 AM

Particularly, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs in coordination with the Ministry of Public Security and the State Bank of Vietnam paid allowances, stipends and retirement pensions for various social security and policy beneficiaries via mobile banking.

Regarding digital citizen development, 73.8 million applications for electronic identification accounts have so far been received (an increase of 700,000 accounts compared to January 2024) while over 52.7 million accounts (accounting for 71.4% of the total applications) have been activated.

VSS Deputy General Director Chu Manh Sinh highly spoke of achievements that the Working Group has made over the past time. Accordingly, VSS is considered as a leading unit in implementing the tasks of the Prime Minister’s Decision No 06/QD-TTg dated January 6, 2022 approving the Scheme on developing the application of data on population, identification, electronic authentication data for national digital transformation in the 2022-2025 period, with a vision toward 2030 (Project 06).

Nevertheless, to fulfill targets set for 2023, it is necessary to resolve numerous issues. Accordingly, it is significant to continue digitise dossiers, further improve functions of public services to ensure that people can benefit the most from the services. At the same time, it is essential to continue to enhance the synchronisation of insurance database with the population database. VSS Deputy General Director Chu Manh Sinh asked the Working Group members to propose solutions to optimise the Vietnam social security industry’s abundant database. He emphasised the importance to manage non-participants of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and voluntary social insurance systems; and manage beneficiaries of social insurance and health insurance policies.

A representative of the VSS’s IT Centre – a permanent unit of the Working Group - reported the reviews of the implementation of tasks over the past time. To effectively implement Project 06, VSS has carried out the following measures: strengthened leadership and guidance; improved regulations and guidelines and upgraded software, ensuring information security; enhanced communication, and raised awareness and responsibility of employees and workers in implementing Project 06 as well as digital transformation; reinforce organisation structure, improved qualifications of and allocated human resources for the implementation of Project 06; streamlined administrative procedures and processes, providing online public services to facilitate the people and businesses; connected, shared and utilised data; and studied and applied new technologies, among others.

Addressing the event, VSS Deputy General Director Chu Manh Sinh said the Working Group has a huge workload with many important tasks that need to be implemented promptly and completed according to the set requirements and goals. Regarding the implementation of VSS’s Action Programme to realise the Resolution No 362-NQ/BCS dated May 12, 2023 issued by the Party Delegation to VSS on strengthening the implementation of Project 06, the Working Group has urged localities that have not promulgated an Action Programme/Plan to quickly carry out tasks as scheduled. The Working Group has also continued disseminating related viewpoints, objectives, duties and solutions to each locality.

Regarding the task of authentication and synchronisation with the National Population Database, the Working Group members, depending on their functions and duties, will continue to propose solutions to existing obstacles and provide specific solutions. Accordingly, it is necessary to analyse causes and propose specific solutions in each certain case to completely resolve obstacles related to the upgrading and authentication of the Identification Number of social insurance and health insurance participants, in which it is vital to manage database of those who enjoy monthly pension and allowance.

The Ministry of Finance has actively worked with relevant agencies to report and explain to the National Assembly Standing Committee about the Clause 1, Article 6 of the Law on Public Investment. The National Assembly Standing Committee affirmed that the Law on Public Investment and the Law on State Budget and relevant laws do not ban the use of regular expenditure to build, upgrade or expand projects that were invested and constructed. This is an important guidance to help remove obstacles relating to finance for units and localities.

The Ministry of Public Security coordinated with the Vietnam Post Corporation to organise 5,412 post offices to provide online public services and guide over 23,000 people to conduct public services online.

Delegates at the meeting discussed orientations to effectively implement the Project 06 in 2024, particularly, to review and appraise infrastructure planning and architecture framework, guide people and local health clinics to use medical information via the VNeID app, accelerate the application of the VNeID app in identification and opening banking account and study to use the chip-based ID cards in payment for social insurance policies.

A general view of the meeting

“It is significant to focus on data analysis, review and comparison at the local level to have ‘accurate, sufficient, clean and up-to-date’ data,” said Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh.

“Concurrently, it is essential to co-ordinate with relevant departments to compare database to ensure the completion of the National Insurance Database and the National Population Database, ensuring that 100 per cent of participant data in the National Insurance Database system is verified and synchronised with the National Population Database in  2023.”

Regarding online public services, the Deputy Director General stressed the co-ordination with relevant ministries and sectors, especially in the implementation of two groups of interconnected administrative procedures “Birth registration declaration, permanent residence registration and issuance of health insurance cards for children under six years old; and Death registration, removing permanent residence registration and supporting funeral”.

“The Working Group should review obstacles facing the pilot implementation of these two interconnected administrative procedures in Ha Noi and Ha Nam Province as well as solutions so that other localities can withdraw lessons of experience for effective implementation in their areas,” said Deputy Director General Chu Manh Sinh.

These two interconnected administrative procedures clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of Project 06, contributing to cutting administrative procedures and facilitating the people.”

He added that the Working Group should continue to propose solutions and push for the effective implementation of the following tasks, including: Accelerating cashless payment of insurance benefits; Accelerating the use of electronic health records; Digitising dossiers and administrative procedures; Ensuring 100 per cent of heath insurance-based medical examination and treatment are proceeded with chip-based ID cards; and Integrating information in social insurance books into the VneID app, among others.

Also he called for continued communications on the implementation of Project 06 particularly and the digital transformation of the industry on its Social Security magazine and website.

He urged all members of the Working Group to bring into full play their responsibility, strength, knowledge to propose solutions to help untie obstacles to successfully realise all assigned tasks in 2023 and the coming years, satisfying requirements of the Project 06 as well as the social security industry’s digital transformation./.