VSS promulgates pilot process for receiving, handling e-administrative documents

12/12/2022 03:58 PM

Viet Nam Social Security has promulgated a pilot process for receiving and handling electronic administrative documents for birth registration, permanent residence registration, and health insurance cards for children under six years old on the National Public Service Portal according to Decision No 06/QD-TTg dated January 6, 2022 of the Prime Minister.

The process will be piloted at the Viet Nam Social Security’s branch in Ha Noi and Ha Nam Province when a citizen, who has an account on the national public service portal, requires a health insurance card for a child under six years old in the two localities.

A citizen uses the pilot process of receiving and handling electronic administrative documents of birth registration, permanent residence registration, and health insurance cards for children under six years in Ha Noi

Specifically, the process of receiving and handling electronic administrative procedures includes:

Step 1: Citizens (parents, guardians, or relatives of children under six years old) make a complete and accurate declaration and submit the inter-connected electronic declaration for birth registration, permanent residence registration, and health insurance card for children under six years old (according to Form 01 guided by the Government Office on the national public service portal) and take responsibility for the declared content. The electronic records of each procedure will be separated by the Public Service Software and transferred to the professional information systems of the Ministry of Justice, the Viet Nam Social Security and the Ministry of Public Security for settlement according to the prescribed competence.

Step 2: After the electronic records are automatically transferred to the information system of the ministry of justice, the judicial civil servants shall perform birth registration and issue personal identity numbers and return electronic birth certificates to people on the national public service portal. The information system of the Ministry of Justice will automatically transfer the electronic birth certificate data to the information system of the Viet Nam Social Security through the inter-connected public service software.

Step 3: After getting the data on the electronic birth certificate and electronic declaration from the inter-connected public service software, the system of the Viet Nam Social Security will automatically perform:

- Issuing social insurance codes to children according to the family’s information, in case the information declared by the family does not exist in the family database of the Viet Nam Social Security, the child's social insurance number shall be issued to households under common management in the district where the birth registration of the children is registered.

- Creating a dossier for granting health insurance cards to children on the software to receive and manage records.

Step 4: The system of health-insurance collection management, card and book will automatically update and issue the use value of the health insurance card according to regulations; and update the list receiving health insurance cards (form D103-TS, issued together with Decision No 505/QD-BHXH).

Authorised agencies’ officers check the pilot process at the People's Committee of Thanh Phong Commune in Thanh Liem District, Ha Nam Province

Step 5: After the software system performs Step 3:

a) Collectors of social-insurance book and card will:

- Check the records and data and submit to the Director of the provincial/district branch of the Viet Nam Social Security to approve the health insurance card number in an electronic version or print a paper copy to transfer to officials and staff at the One-Stop shop to return the results of administrative procedures to people.

- Check the data arising from the collection of health insurance on the national public service portal daily, finalise the data arising daily, and synthesise Form C69-HD according to the provisions of Article 33b of Clause 56, Article 1 of Decision No 505 /QD-BHXH, List of health insurance card issuance (form D10a-TS).

- Every month, print the list of health insurance cards (Form D104-TS issued together with Decision No 505/QD-BHXH dated March 27, 2020) and send it to the People's Committee of the commune/ward and the local labour, invalids and social affairs agency to monitor and manage.

- Every quarter, submit to the Director of the Viet Nam Social Security’s provincial/district branch to approve a summary table of groups of people who received financial support from the State budget to pay for health insurance (Form No 1 issued together with Decree No 146/2018/ND-CP dated October 17, 2018 of the Government) and send to the financial agency to transfer the financial support to the health insurance fund according to regulations.

- Complete the documents related to children according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 4 of Decision No 515/QD-BHXH in case the information declared by the family does not exist in the family database of the Viet Nam Social Security.

b) Planning - finance officer will:

- Check the data daily, allocate the collected amount of health insurance on the national public service portal daily, finalise the data arising daily, synthesise Form C83-HD specified in Article 33b of Clause 56, Article 1 of the Decision No 505/QD-BHXH.

Step 6: Officers at the one-stop shop receive data and printed-version/electronic-version health insurance cards to return to people (no later than two working days from the date of receipt of electronic information and data according to regulations) following the registered form and finish the registration on the receiving and management software.

Step 7: Participants receive an electronic health insurance card/health insurance card image on the VssID application for medical examination and treatment instead of a printed health insurance card.

Decision No 3509/QD-BHXH takes effect from November 21, 2022.