Joint commitment to inclusive employment for people with disabilities

15/04/2024 10:40 AM

The ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia and the Hangzhou Disabled Persons Federation (Hangzhou DPF) solidified their commitment to inclusive employment and decent work for people with disabilities, by signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on 16 January.

BEIJING(ILO News) -- The International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Office for China and Mongolia and the Hangzhou Disabled Persons Federation (Hangzhou DPF) solidified their commitment to inclusive employment and decent work for people with disabilities, by signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on 16 January.

The primary objective of this partnership is to promote inclusive employment opportunities and decent work for people with disabilities, an often-overlooked group of society. Through collaboration, the two parties hope to encourage more Hangzhou-based enterprises to hire people with disabilities, creating more job opportunities for the group. The two parties will strive to create a more inclusive and sustainable economy that benefits everyone, including people with disabilities.

Inclusive Employment Practices for People with Disabilities

Illustrative image (internet)

Hangzhou is well known for its dedication and innovative approach for ensuring inclusive employment for people with disabilities. The partnership will also aim to share best practices and experiences between Hangzhou and other cities, provinces and countries, promoting mutual learning and cooperation.

Mr. Ding Jiong, President of Hangzhou Disabled Persons Federation, expressed optimism about the collaboration, stating, "I hope ILO can provide us support and guidance in the formulation of common standards for inclusive employment for people with disabilities, the establishment of demonstration sites, the sharing of Hangzhou's experience, and the exchange of international achievements."

Mr Changhee Lee, ILO Country Office Director for China and Mongolia, shared his anticipation for the joint efforts, stating, "We truly look forward to working together to firmly establish Hangzhou as a pioneer and role model for inclusive employment for persons with disabilities, inspiring and encouraging other disabled persons' federations to follow suit."

The two-year cooperative initiative is aligned strategically with the ILO Decent Work Country Programme for China (2023-2025). Both parties envision this collaboration as a potent force for positive change, aiming to bring tangible improvements to the lives and work of people with disabilities. This partnership signals a collective commitment to leaving no one behind in the pursuit of a more inclusive and equitable employment landscape for people with disabilities.