16/08/2018 10:44 AM
Serving up success for disabled job seekers in Bangladesh
For people with disabilities in Bangladesh, finding a job can be a huge challenge. Yet attitudes are changing, as the private sector increasingly sees the benefits of hiring disabled workers.
16/08/2018 10:37 AM
Greece’s unemployment falls under 20% after 7 years of bailout
Greece’s unemployment rate, the highest in the European Union, has dropped below 20% for the first time in seven years, statistics bureau Elstat reported on 9 August.
26/07/2018 12:53 AM
Mongolia, Pakistan: Social protection reduces disaster risk for the poor
The role that safety nets and social protection programmes can play in reducing disaster risk features prominently on the agenda of the 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) this week.
26/07/2018 12:31 AM
Number of South Korean men taking paternity leave jumps 66% in 2018
More Korean dads—a lot more—are now making use of their generous paternity leave.
03/05/2018 04:52 PM
Widening The Social Protection Safety Net
What makes Europe different from many other parts of the world? One answer is social protection: the principle of assisting the most vulnerable in society and guaranteeing a minimum standard of wellbeing – a social safety net.
24/04/2018 02:00 PM
Shaping the future of social security in the digital age
The digital economy is rapidly changing the way we live, work, and organize our societies. How social security institutions can address this, is at the heart of discussions at the 15th ISSA International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Social Security, in Casablanca (Morocco) 18-20 April.
01/03/2018 03:54 PM
Youth employment key to poverty reduction
Investing in the employment of young people is important to poverty reduction and the country’s inclusive economic growth, according to an Asian Development Bank (ADB) Brief.
01/03/2018 03:33 PM
Vision Zero – ISSA launches global campaign for zero accidents, diseases and harm at work
The International Social Security Association (ISSA) launches the first ever global campaign to improve safety, health and wellbeing at work. The campaign aims to engage companies worldwide to systematically cut down on occupational accidents and diseases by investing in a healthy and motivated workforce.
Work Injury and Occupational Disease
Medical (Health Insurance)
Certificate of coverage
VSS - ISSA Guidelines on Social Security