Inclusion in times of crisis: How Ukrainian businesses are building resilience by integrating people with disabilities?

03/02/2025 08:37 AM

Ukrainian enterprises are demonstrating remarkable resilience by turning obstacles into opportunities. A notable example is their effort to address labour shortages caused by the war through the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities (PwD).

The Confederation of Employers of Ukraine (CEU) is at the forefront of the inclusion of PwD,  equipping businesses with the tools and support needed to create inclusive workplaces. We spoke with Oleksii Miroshnychenko, President of the CEU, to learn more about their initiatives and how they are helping companies in this regard. 

How would you describe the current situation regarding the employment of PwD in Ukraine? Why has the CEU chosen to focus on this issue? 

Before the war, Ukraine was home to 2.7 million people living with disabilities. Of those of working age, only one in six was employed. Today, these numbers have grown significantly due to the war, creating a critical need for action. At the same time, many companies are unsure how to effectively integrate PwD, particularly those returning from the frontlines with physical disabilities or psychological trauma. This uncertainty leaves businesses struggling to create environments that are inclusive and supportive. 

In your view, are there any barriers preventing businesses from employing PwD? 

Work integration for people with disabilities.

Illustrative image (internet)

The situation is extremely complex. While mandatory quotas have been in place for over 30 years, requiring 4% of full-time employees to be PwD or at least one employee in smaller enterprises, these measures often fall short in practice. Many companies choose to pay fines or resort to fictitious employment to avoid compliance. Meanwhile, public sector organizations are exempt from administrative sanctions for non-fulfilment of quotas. This imbalance undermines the credibility of the system and fosters harmful misconceptions about PwD being a burden, rather than an asset to businesses. Instead of fostering inclusion, the current system perpetuates stigma and fails to address the real barriers faced by businesses and PwD alike. The war has brought into stark relief the need to tap into every available workforce segment, resulting in an increasing openness to inclusivity. Enterprises are now looking for adequate support to create meaningful and sustainable inclusion. 

What has the CEU done to support businesses in employing and integrating PwD into the workplace? 

We understand that employers need practical guidance and tools to effectively hire and integrate PwD. That’s why, in collaboration with the ILO, we have developed a service to increase private sector engagement with PwD and disseminate best practices.  

In 2023, the CEU launched the "Together" Platform, an online resource designed to support companies in employing PwD. This platform provides detailed guidance on every aspect of the hiring process—from recruitment to workplace accommodation—alongside case studies and insights into inclusive employment policies. In the process, we also aim to motivate and empower businesses to take confident, practical steps toward inclusion. 

To complement this, the CEU established the National Network "Together," a collaborative forum for businesses across Ukraine to share experiences, address challenges, and advocate for policy reforms. Additionally, in December 2023, the CEU joined the ILO’s Global Business and Disability Network. This allows us to learn about and adapt global practices to Ukraine’s specific context, ensuring that our efforts are both innovative and practical. 

Do you have any other initiatives planned to continue helping businesses improve recruitment practices and drive inclusion for people with disabilities? 

With the ILO’s support, we are currently expanding our advisory services to focus on post-recruitment integration. This involves developing comprehensive training to help companies design and implement effective internal policies for integrating and retaining PwD. These policies will help businesses address the labour shortages caused by the war while fostering a more inclusive workplace. To complement this, we are planning targeted awareness campaigns to highlight the tangible benefits of inclusive employment. These campaigns will showcase success stories, dispel myths, and provide actionable resources, making it easier for businesses to embrace diversity with confidence. 

What message would you like to deliver to businesses that remain uncertain about hiring PwD? 

My message to businesses is simple: hiring PwD is not only the right and responsible choice, but also a smart business decision. Inclusive employment strengthens both businesses and the economy. It addresses labour shortages by unlocking the potential of a talented and underutilized segment of the workforce. It fosters innovation and productivity, as diverse teams bring fresh perspectives and drive creativity. Moreover, it enhances a company’s reputation, showcasing a genuine commitment to social responsibility and equality. We at the CEU are here to support you every step of the way, from recruitment to integration and beyond. Together, we can contribute to rebuilding a more inclusive and prosperous future for Ukraine.